'If I Was Your Girl' by Meredith Russo: This is my current read, and one I'm really enjoying at the moment. I'd hoped to finish it last month but alas, time was not on my side. Still, so far this is a really thought-provoking book on the subject of being trans, also covering depression, bullying, mental health and friendship. I've certainly got high hopes for the rest of the book!
'The Sun Is Also A Star' by Nicola Yoon: That's right guys, my first ever Nicola Yoon read! It's a romance which would normally instantly turn me off, but I've heard some really good things about Yoon's writing, and I have to say that 2017 seems to be my year for giving Contemporary YA romance a chance. Now is as good a time as any!

'Not A Drop To Drink' by Mindy McGinnis: When I say this book has been on my TBR forever I almost mean it! It was one of my first adds when I joined Goodreads and the blogging community for the first time, and I literally only got round to buying it just recently. Anyway, I haven't read a good dystopian fiction in ages, and I like that this focuses on natural disasters and droughts as the root of the problem rather than a major Government conspiracy.
'Flame In The Mist' by Renée Ahdieh: Did I ever tell you guys that I have always wanted to visit Japan? No? It's one of my biggest bucket list items. That's why this book looks right up my street. I love the classic 'girl dresses up as boy' storyline and Mulan is one of my favourite films for that reason. I'm so very pumped to read this historical fantasy and I really hope I love it.
'The Geek Feminist Revolution' by Kameron Hurley: I saw this book while looking for good non-fiction on the subject of fandom and feminism. It looks perfect! The cover really got me, I must admit. But this looks to be a well reviewed collection of essays, and I'm looking forward to getting into more non-fiction books anyway!

'The Outliers' by Kimberly McCreight: I had this book down for last month and I was so excited about it! I think it would be a really great Summer read! So I'm going to give it another go this month. While thrillers aren't usually my scene, I have to applaud the unusual and eye-catching cover (most books of this genre look basically the same to me).
'The Satellite' by Nick Lake: I am really in the mood for some science fiction guys, and a cover involving the moon and an astronaut with the title 'Satellite' emblazoned across it looks about as spacey as it gets. It's been a while since I've read something of this genre (or something due to be released this year), and I'm particularly thankful that I received an ARC of this one!
'Ivory & Bone' by Julie Eshbaugh: This book screams summer read to me for some reason. Maybe it's because it's set in prehistoric times which makes me think of Neanderthals roaming hot, dry deserts? Anyway, it's a retelling of the classic Pride & Prejudice story with some twists by the looks of it, but I'm more excited about reading a book set in a period of history that was so long ago. Exciting!
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