Yay, my favourite type of topic! I love planning ahead (even if I do rarely follow my plans) as it gets me excited about certain books I'd love to read! Now for Autumn, I like mysteries, horror, a bit of fantasy of historical fiction and deeply coloured book covers!

1) 'Solitaire' by Alice Oseman.
I previously read 'Radio Silence' by Oseman, and I loved it a lot. Being set in Kent it was so relatable and I loved the characters and diversity in the book. Now that I'm into webcomics, I've noticed that she's written one called 'Heartstopper' and I really want to read it. I believe the characters are from 'Solitaire' and so I would like to read that first. Also, this was Alice's debut and every time I read the synopsis, I get really excited by it!
2) 'Retribution Rails' by Erin Bowman.
*Plays The Good, The Bad & The Ugly theme* Cowboys! Or should I say, cowgirls! I'm a big fan of the Wild West as a setting, thanks to watching them a lot with my Dad. I really loved 'Vengeance Road' which was Bowman's first book from this series.I don't know why it's taken me so long to get round to 'Retribution Rails', but I'm determined to read it this Autumn!
3) 'The Corset' by Laura Purcell.
The first of a few scary picks, this is definitely a book I'm excited about. I received it from NetGalley fairly recently and was so excited because I've heard so many great things about Purcell's other work, 'The Silent Companions'. This one looks equal parts creepy and original. I'm certain I've never read anything like it! I can't wait!
4) 'A Study In Charlotte' by Brittany Cavallaro.
I'm a big fan of Conan Doyle's 'Sherlock Holmes' series, so it makes sense that I want to be reading this YA retelling by Brittany Cavallaro. I've heard some really impressive things about it, and its been on my TBR for a while! Also, Autumn is definitely the right time of year for mysteries!
5) 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern.
I have been waiting to read this book for some time, and hopefully I'll get to it within the next few months. It's a little longer than some of my usual reads but does come highly recommended and I kind of want to read it just for that! Alongside great reviews, this book contains a lot of my favourite tropes.

6) 'The Twisted Tree' by Rachel Burge.
Of course I'm going to read a horror in October, it's halloween month! I'm so excited! Honestly guys, this book went straight on the TBR as soon as I read that it was perfect for fans of Neil Gaiman's 'Coraline', and as well as that, I love that it's classified as a Nordic thriller too.
7) 'That Inevitable Victorian Thing' by E.K. Johnston.
'That Inevitable Victorian Thing' is written by E.K. Johnston, an author whose previous work I've adored, but I look forward to her bizarre twist on history and how victorian society remained 'the norm' as years went by. I'm getting real Bioshock vibes from this one!
8) 'Nevernight' by Jay Kristoff.
Ooh, a story about assassins? Yes please! The covers for this series are gorgeous and I love them a lot! I can't wait to get stuck into these books, especially as they've received such great reviews!
9) 'The Sisters Of The Winter Wood' by Rena Rossner.
This book has a beautiful cover, and that is mostly what I've been drawn to when it comes to my desire to read it. But upon inspecting the synopsis, I want to even more! It's filled with enchantment, fairy tales, folklore and a dash of magical realism. I'm expecting big things from this one.
10) 'The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet' by Becky Chambers.
The colder months always feel like the perfect time to read sci-fi to me for some reason. I'm not sure why. I'm especially excited about this one because it's been hailed as a great read for fans of Mass Effect, one of my favourite space-set open world video games, so I definitely think it will be up my alley.
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