- 'Starfighter [Ch. 2]' by Hamlet Machine. Even though I was a little dubious about Chapter 1, I was intrigued enough to continue with this series, and I did like Chapter 2 a little better. There was still a bit of dubcon but I am a little more invested in Cain & Abel now. Also, the art is stunning. 3.5/5 Stars.
- 'Feminists Don't Wear Pink (& Other Lies)' cur. by Scarlett Curtis. I absolutely adored this collection, and it's a real top read of mine! I'm trying to read more non-fiction as of late, and Feminism is a real hot topic for me. The contributions from such a variety of women were varied and really interesting, and I liked them all a lot! 5/5 Stars.
- 'Useless Magic' by Florence Welch. I received this for Christmas and was very pleased with it. I'm a big fan of Florence & The Machine and I love Florence Welch so much. The design of this book is lovely: I liked reading the lyrics so beautifully presented and the poetry section at the end too. 4/5 Stars.
- 'Stars Above' by Marissa Meyer. This was an AMAZING read and the perfect one to end with this year. I've missed the world of 'The Lunar Chronicles' so much, and this collection of short stories made a great addition to the world and the character arcs. I particularly liked the last story! 5/5 Stars.

- Starfighter [Ch. 2]
- Stars Above
This month I read one books for the Finishing The Series Challenge, making my yearly total two.
- Stars Above
- Feminists Don't Wear Pink (& Other Lies)
- Useless Magic
Here is the result for Pretty Deadly Blog's Bookish Bingo card.
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