This topic has really made me think about what I do actually want to read this Autumn. I normally don't stick to my TBR lists because I'm either too slow or feel like reading other things when the time comes. Nevertheless, I have picked ten books that I would really like to read at some point! Why not Autumn?

I was extremely excited when I was approved for this book, because I adore the front cover! It looks like such an intriguing read and I would really like to get back into reading books about witches!

Ahh, Neil Gaiman. Before I started this blog I had not read a single one of his books. Now I have read two, and I am determined to get through every single one because they all look so good! I actually bought this one recently, so I decided to put it on my Autumn TBR!

This is currently on my September TBR, but I know I am not going to get to it in time. Therefore, I have decided to save it for the next couple of months. I don't think I read enough Sci-Fi and it's a genre I would like to at least try and explore!

4) 'The Pillars Of The Earth'; Ken Follet.
My lovely boyfriend Mat recommended this particular series to me and I would really love to get onto it this Autumn because it looks so good! Seriously, I'm a huge fan of Historical Fiction and this guy looks like the guy to go to for a really in-depth, well researched story.

I bought this pretty recently (signed) and absolutely love the look of it! It was on the Autumn TBR list from the start and was the first book I thought of when I saw this category!

I adore the cover to this book, it attracted my attention immediately. Reading the synopsis grabbed me even more. More witches? something about Halloween coming up puts me in the mood for the Paranormal, especially witches. Yes please!

I really do want to get round to reading a Fantasy book again. I kind of miss them and this one I bought a while back. It would be great to get round to this one, it looks so good!

I loved Cinder so much and I really need to read the second one. Like, right now. Instead, I'll have to read it this Autumn because if I don't read it soon I might explode. No exaggeration.

This book was one that I bought quite a while ago. As I mentioned with Follet, I love rich, detailed Historical Fiction. I've heard such good things about this book from Amazon reviews and it's been recommended to me a couple of times.

Why have I not read this yet? It's been sitting on the pile for quite a while, I really ought to get onto it! specially as I've seen there is a sequel and I want to read that to!
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