
Jumble Your Genres Challenge: Romance. Now this book just looks amazing, and so many people have recommended it to me, and so it seemed perfect for this challenge. It's a Romance book with a bit of a twist (my favourite kind) and fits beautifully into a Bookish Bingo challenge too! The cover is beautiful and the synopsis looks amazing. I can't wait to give it a try!
2014 'Key Words' Challenge: Number, Take, Shadow, Ice, Who, After. I need to read this book for a number of reasons and this challenge seemed the perfect reason to give it a go. I won it some time a go in a Goodreads Giveaway and I am actually extremely behind in reading and reviewing my wins. Oops! The synopsis looks a little different to my normal reading, but intriguing all the same!
2014 'Monthly Motif' Challenge: Book To Movie. So this will be my first read this month and I'm really excited to be reading another Gaiman book. I adored the movie when I watched it (so creepy, yet so much fun) and I can't wait to see whether the book is just as good!
Netgalley/Edelweiss Reads:

- 'Dot'; Araminta Hall. Now this was my first and only Edelweiss request that I got approved for, because I haven't been on Edelweiss in ages! I actually almost forgot about it (naughty!) but I really ought to read and review it so it's going on this month's list!
- 'Soulwoven'; Jeff Seymour. A few things drew me to this book. I liked the cover and the synopsis sounded really intriguing. I am trying very hard to catch up on all of the books that I requested and haven't read yet, despite them having been out for a while, so this should be an interesting read!
- 'Red Rising'; Pierce Brown. I don't read a lot of Sci-Fi and this will make a very nice change! It looks like an amazing read, I've seen it everywhere and it comes highly recommended, so I can't wait to get stuck into this one. Fingers crossed I enjoy it!
I shall definitely be reading my Challenge reads this month, but I can make no promises with my Netgalley/Edelweiss reads this month for one reason. I have only one more month of Bookish Bingo and a ton of books to get through! So here are a few of my pics that will aid in completing this month's categories.

- 'Dancing In The Dark'; P.R. Prendergast. You might remember I picked this book up in Manchester when I went on holiday in July. It was a very cheap buy and I had it in mind that I could read it for the Bingo challenge. My sister has already read it and said she liked it, so hopefully I will too!
- 'Dreams Of Gods & Monsters'; Laini Taylor. If at first you don't succeed, try again. I put this on last month's list and didn't succeed, so this is me trying again because I want to finish this series so badly! I've heard so many good things!
- 'Under Fishbone Clouds'; Sam Meekings. I have actually lost count of the number of times this book has gone on a list. It fits a category on my Bookish Bingo card beautifully and I really need to read it before I go bonkers! Please let me finally get round to reading this!
- 'Siege & Storm'; Leigh Bardugo. Much like Taylor's finale, this book was on last month's list of failed reads. I am so determined to get through this series because I enjoyed 'Shadow & Bone' a lot and really want to continue the story!
- 'The Museum Of Intangible Things'; Wendy Wunder. This book looks absolutely awesome! It isn't my usual read, but the cover is beautiful and the synopsis looks really cool. I hope it's as good as I have heard it is.
- 'Between the Devil & The Deep Blue Sea'; April Genevieve Tuchoke. Now I have heard mixed views on this book, but they are mostly good and that artwork is enough to make anyone swoon! Look at the font! The synopsis is pretty intriguing too, fingers crossed for a decent read.
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