I don't talk about this little duology a lot, but I read 'A Certain Slant Of Light' (the first in the series) and really enjoyed it! Since then, I haven't got round to reading 'Under The Light'. The story felt very finished with the first book, so I would be interested to see what a sequel could bring to the table. It's been such a long time since I read the first one though.

This is definitely the one that fills me with guilt every time I see it. Why oh why haven't I finished this?! When I read the first one, the final instalment was just on it's way out! And I really loved this book too, especially as it was based mostly in Russian culture. Yet for some reason, I never managed to get round to Book 2. I have always been really bad at sitting down and working my way through a series properly but I think enough is enough with this one. I have to read 'Siege & Storm' ASAP!

I really recently read Book 2, 'Valiant' and absolutely adored it. I only have one more book to get through! I do have a funny feeling that it will probably take me a little while to do so, but that's okay. As long as eventually I do finish this series. As a bonus, I should probably mention Holly Black's 'Curse Workers' series here too, because I have only read the first book of that one. Gah, I'm so behind!
Huge thanks to my lovely flat mate Tash for introducing me to this series. I've read the first book, I just have two other books to go! So far, it has been phenomenal reading. Despite the fact that murder mysteries are not necessarily my thing, Historical Fiction certainly is and this one is the best of both worlds. I can't wait to read more!

Though this is definitely a series for a patient reader, I do want to know what will happen next. It's pretty wordy, but I did quite enjoy the whole concept in the first book: 'A Discovery Of Witches'. I've seen the rest of the series absolutely everywhere too, and a lot of people have rated it highly for the attention to detail.

I only just started this series, so I think I can be forgiven for not having finished it yet! It's fantastic so far though and I want to amend that ASAP because I'm enjoying it so much! I only hope that it gets better and better as I read it! I could certainly have started reading it a lot sooner, the first book has been on my shelf for over a year! Oh, the shame!

I don't think I've mentioned quite enough times how disappointed I am in myself for not having finished this series. I literally pre-ordered and read every single one straight away until the last instalment, which I pre-ordered, decided I would read after exams, the proceeded to forget about. It means I'm probably going to have to reread the entire series before reading this one as my memory of it is not fantastic.

I had no idea that 'Between The Spark & The Burn' was actually the conclusion of the series. For some reason I thought it would be a trilogy and that I wouldn't be allowed to include this one because it wasn't a finished series. But it is, and I haven't finished it yet! I quite liked 'Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea' despite the ridiculous names that accompanied it and the slightly disappointing villain. I want to read Book 2!

I'm getting much closer with this one as I've now read 'Insurgent', but I've yet to brave 'Allegiant'. The thing is, my sister adored the first two books and hated the last one, and I've seen such horrifying reviews for Book 3 that I'm a little terrified about what I'm going to face. I will read it because I like and respect the series too much to let other people's opinions put me off completely. But I'd be lying if I said I was truly looking forward to it.

I absolutely adored 'The Rosie Effect'. Romance stories really aren't my thing, especially if they're supposed to be comedic too. I generally find them a little bit too samey. This one had something extra to it though, and it was certainly a nice fluffy read for my holiday. I have 'The Rosie Effect' in my possession too (thanks Netgalley) so I just need to get round to reading it!
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