- 'Trans Power' by Juno Roche. I liked this book for the message it gave and the education that I received. I haven't read much around the topic of transgender issues and it's something I really wanted to address. Aspects of this book made me uncomfortable - they were meant to - but I did also wish that more of a focus had been on the diverse interviewees and less on Roche's repetitive thoughts and feelings. 3/5 Stars.
- 'Shadow Of The Fox' by Julie Kagawa. This read like an anime, which was a slightly bizarre experience at first. But. It is an anime I would watch the s*** out of and as a result, I loved it! Samurai, demons, ronin, yokai - all of my favourite tropes were here. I totally fell in love with this. 4.5/5 Stars.
- 'Heartstopper [Vol. 2] by Alice Oseman. Nick & Charlie are pretty much one of my favourite pairings ever and this volume, covering chapter three of their beautiful story, is the best yet. So much fluffy, adorable goodness. This is contemporary LGBTQ+ done right and I can't wait for more! 5/5 Stars.
- 'Enchantée' by Gita Trelease. I totally fell for this book in a big way. It was my most anticipated read of the year and it lived up to my expectations - amazing historical detail, intriguing magic system, complex and likeable characters, and a truly rich, diverse, sparkling world. I forgave the plot pacing because of everything else! 5/5 Stars.
- Shadow Of The Fox
- Trans Power
- Heartstopper [Vol. 2]
- Enchantée
- Heartstopper [Vol. 2]
- Trans Power *Mini Challenge: (LGBT Pride Summer)*
- Shadow Of The Fox
- Heartstopper [Vol. 2] *Mini Challenge: (LGBT Pride Summer)*
- Enchantée