Crossover Books:
- 'Soulwoven'; Jeff Seymour. I have started reading this one already and am very much looking forward to seeing where it will take me. It looks to be a pretty epic Fantasy and I've heard some pretty good things about it. It's a Netgalley read too which I'm doing my best to get through at the moment!

Jumble Your Genres Challenge: Historical Fiction. I bought 'The Miniaturist' while on holiday a couple of months ago and it looks great! I can't wait to get stuck into it, Waterstones seemed very excited about it when I went in there to look around. I'm also very happy with this month's chosen genre!
2014 'Key Words' Challenge: Into, Sound, Blue, House, My, Last. I chose 'Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea' because I really loved the cover and I found the plot concept intriguing. I've seen pretty mixed reviews on this one, so hopefully it is worth the read!
2014 'Monthly Motif' Challenge: An Oldie But A Goodie. As this was published in 1998 (so before 2000), this can definitely count in this category. It's a popular series too, which puts it in the 'Goodie' section of the motif. I enjoyed 'A Game Of Thrones' so hopefully the second book is even better!
As I said, I've only picked three extra reads, and they are basically repeats from last month's extra reading challenges. I hope I get round to at least one of these because they all look so good!

- 'Scarlet'; Marissa Meyer. I have been waiting to read the next book in this series for so long now and I'm pretty sure I'm going to burst if I don't get onto it soon! It just looks so good! I really miss reading Fairy-Tale retellings too!
- 'A Song For Ella Grey'; David Almond. This is such a sweet looking book. I don't usually go for romance, but it is somewhat loosely based on the Greek Myth of Eurydice and Orpheus, and I'm a sucker for age old stories and legends like that!
- 'Ruby Slippers'; Keir Alexander. Does anyone remember me winning this in a Goodreads First Reads Giveaway? It was a very long time ago and I really ought to have read it quite a while back. Maybe this month? Please?
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