Thursday 1 October 2015

Story Sprites Round 2 Sign-Up Post!

The lovely ladies at Great Imaginations have set up another Story Sprites challenge board! I adored the last round, in which I won three of the five sprites (lucky me!) and I aim to try and do even better this time! Here are the sprites I won:

I'm so chuffed, particularly as Karou and Cinder were the only two Sprites whose books I had read! I understand better that each path is actually a hint to the character you receive in the end if you complete all four squares, so I've been having a lot more fun with the brand new board trying to guess the character! I think I know a couple of them at least. So here it is!

This board looks a lot easier and will run until December! My chosen books this month fit really well too, so I have high hopes this time around. This is a really fun challenge and I encourage anyone that's interested to click on the board and find out more!

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