I have definitely done a topic like this before and absolutely loved it! My TBR is always expanding, so it's nice to be able to share my latest obsessions with everyone, and get even more excited about them in the process!

Right now, I'm really feeling short stories and while it was originally 'My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me' compiled by the same lady that caught my eye, when I saw a book of myths I knew I had to have it! I don't get to read nearly as many retellings of classic myths as I'd like to and there are so many authors contributing to this book that it would be a great opportunity to sample a lot of new people's writing at once!

Matt Haig's 'Reasons To Stay Alive' was a wonderful non-fiction read of mine this year and I can't deny the impact it's had on me. I recently looked into trying more of his books, and I stumbled across this, which looks like a gem! It's about vampires but apparently isn't considered a horror because what it's really about is family. I'm really keen on this or 'The Humans' and hope to get to read another of Matt Haig's works soon.

Like I said, short stories are kind of my thing at the moment and this book was actually recommended on Rosalind Jana's 'Rosalind Reads' newsletters that I've subscribed to, which are proving to be a joy to delve into! The first list was themed around storytelling, folklore and tales. This made the cut. I'm very curious about Margaret Atwood, her book 'The Handmaid's Tale' is renowned and this bunch of small stories could be the ideal starting point for me to become one of her many fans.

I accidentally stumbled upon the second book of this series, 'Silver Stars', on Netgalley and was shocked that I'd never heard of it. I love YA. I love Historical Fiction. I love female leads. Why was this not already on my TBR? When I read Historical Fiction, I normally prefer to delve into the Renaissance or Victorian eras. This WWII series is more recent, but I'd like to read more recent history so this will be a great place to start.

I've read Laura Lam's work 'Pantomime' before and adored it. It perfectly captures the struggles of an intersex MC looking for acceptance and answers as to what she is, as well as not making her personal tragedy the centre of the story. It was full of great characters and I hope to be delving into the rest of the series soon! This book is about Conjoined twins and falls much more into the Thriller genre than Fantasy. However, I think it sounds really unique and I expect big things from Laura's writing!

This is another book from Rosalind Jana's gorgeous list of new TBR adds and I'm in love with just the sound of it. It's a travel non-fiction that sees the author journey through forests and meet with various people before ending each chapter with a re-telling of a fairy tale. Discussing nature, folklore and the imagination: three of my favourite things to talk about! I want this book so badly!

Okay, so firstly just LOOK at that cover. Isn't it gorgeous? I'd never really heard of Dunn before but this came up on my Amazon suggested reads and it really caught my attention. The synopsis sounds good too, very Dystopian and the kind of read I would enjoy immensely if I was in the right mood for it. I'm definitely looking for a read to embark upon soon!

While the finale of the Divergent series left me feeling underwhelmed and disappointed, there's no denying that Veronica Roth is talented at fast-paced action and I think this newest duology, set in space this time, has the potential to be extraordinary. And once again, look at that cover! It's so beautiful! I'm seriously so excited about this.

I'm a huge fan of 'Wicked: The Musical', loved films such as 'Maleficent' and frequently root for villains. Especially if they have a tragic back-story. It was pretty obvious that as soon as this book was announced I was going to need it in my life. Author's such as April Genevieve Tucholke, Marissa Meyer, Victoria Schwab and Renee Ahdieh are all getting involved too, so I can pretty much guarantee that this book is going to be awesome!

I've had my eye on Lauren Oliver's books for a while now but this one really made me stop to take a look. It as two stories in it! Read the book one direction for the first narrative, then turn it over and read from the other to receive the second! Such a clever idea if you ask me and I'm excited by how original it feels compared to other books.
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