I feel like this topic was written especially for me. I mean, I know it wasn't but I adore Fairy Tales so much that when I saw this topic I full on squealed! Then I debated whether to talk about my favourite Retellings or original Fairy Tales, or instead go for the ones I want to read. In the end, I decided to focus on all of these! So I bring you my Top Ten Fairy Tale extravaganza!
Five Fairy Tale Retellings I've Loved...

This series tends to appear on my favourite anything list because it is so flipping brilliant! I have given a full five star rating because in my opinion, they have only got better as the series has gone on. I've never really considered myself a massive Sci Fi fan but this series combines the genre with Fairy Tales perfectly and gives them a really unique twist. I'll list the Fairy Tales it has focused on so far, but there is still one more book to be released yet!
Fairy Tales Retold: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel.

I read this book at the beginning of last year and absolutely adored it! Set in the 1920s, it perfectly describes the loneliness and isolation found in Alaska at the time. I was hooked from beginning to end by the wild and strange magic to be found there and spent the entire book wondering if it was all real or not. The characters are gorgeously written and intriguing, the setting beautiful in a dangerous way and the not very well-known Fairy Tale got a heart-breaking and beautiful retelling.
Fairy Tales Retold: The Snow Child

There might be a select number of people who would argue that the story of Peter Pan (along with Alice In Wonderland) is not a Fairy Tale. I would wholeheartedly disagree as I firmly believe that Fairy Tales don't have to be written by people hundreds of years ago to count. Besides, this was such a beautiful depiction of the tale that I couldn't not include it! I loved Arnold's re-imagining of beloved characters such as Pan himself, and even Hook! Be warned though: this read will probably break your heart into a million pieces from the beginning. If issues such as the death of children affect you, don't read it.
Fairy Tales Retold: Peter Pan

This is certainly a Fairy Tale in more than one sense as there are an abundance of Faeries to be found within the pages of this story. But aside from that, a young girl falls for a Troll who is not considered to be conventionally handsome? I think we all know where I'm going with this. Aside from the retelling of such a famous love story however, there is so much to be found within the pages of this book! You don't have to read the first book in the series, 'Tithe', to understand what is going on here but this is a great series so I thoroughly recommend it!
Fairy Tales Retold: Beauty & The Beast

This might be one of my more controversial recommendations because I know that a few people didn't finish this book. It is my strong belief that it's largely down to the fact that most of them didn't finish it. When I first started reading, I felt a little lost I'll be honest. Especially as I had never had much interaction with the source material. But once Clara journeys to the magical land of Kane, all the weirdness is put into context, this book really stands out as something special to me.
Fairy Tales Retold: The Nutcracker
Five Favourite Fairy Tales...

Honestly? I adore pretty much every Fairy Tale I have ever read. But there are a few that for one reason or another, have really touched my heart and I call my favourite. The first, Little Red Riding Hood is a puzzle because I can't remember what made me adore it in the first place. I think I just love Fairy Tales that scare me a little, and that Wolf is certainly terrifying! I used to have an animated VHS of the story too which I would watch on repeat. Snow White and Beauty & The Beast were two of my favourite Disney films growing up and so those two tales have always made me smile. I loved The Ugly Duckling because my Nan used to have a tape of children's songs that included one telling this story. The ending, when he is revealed to be a swan, is always my favourite part. Last but not least: Sleeping Beauty! I never actually watched the Disney version as a child, but instead a different animated retelling from the same series as Little Red Riding Hood!
Ten Retellings I Want To Read...

1) 'Bitter Greens'; Kate Forsyth.
I actually own this gorgeous looking book thanks to a very thoughtful Birthday present, but I haven't got round to it just yet. It certainly looks like my kind of thing and the cover is gorgeous! I hope I get to it soon!
Fairy Tales Retold: Rapunzel
2) 'Cruel Beauty'; Rosamund Hodge.
Rosamund Hodge is an author that I really need to get into! She has actually released another book I would love to read, 'Crimson Bound' which is a Fairy Tale retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. I saw this one first though and am captivated by the Greek Mythology references too.
Fairy Tales Retold: Beauty & The Beast
3) 'Alias Hook'; Lisa Jensen.
As soon as I saw that this book was being released, I wanted it so bad! Since then, I haven't actually bought the book but it's certainly on the list because it really does look good. I'm especially in the mood for another Peter Pan retelling after reading 'Neverland'.
Fairy Tales Retold: Peter Pan
4) 'The Wrath & The Dawn'; Renee Ahdieh.
Something about this book really makes me want to read it. I'm not overly familiar with One Thousand & One Nights as I've never read the book but the plot synopsis has intrigued me to the point of wanting to get on this book ASAP. Hopefully it's as good as it sounds!
Fairy Tales Retold: One Thousand & One Nights
5) 'Dorothy Must Die'; Danielle Paige.
I'm quite behind with this series but I have yet to find a book based on 'The Wizard Of Oz' that I really enjoy! This could be it! I've seen mixed reviews on it so I'm not entirely sure what I'll think, but the cover and the premise look great so fingers crossed!
Fairy Tales Retold: The Wizard Of Oz

6) 'A Court Of Thorns & Roses'; Sarah J. Maas.
Reading the synopsis for this one, it actually sounds a little like 'Valiant' but with a slightly heavier Fantasy element. I love the inclusion of Faeries (they are quickly becoming a favourite Mythical creature of mine) and I have heard such wonderful things from people who have read this book. I have to read it!
Fairy Tales Retold: Beauty & The Beast
7) 'Sisters Red'; Jackson Pearce.
The first book in a series of Fairy Tale retellings, it was the cover that caught my eye with this one! I love the covers for the subsequent reads, the second of which being 'Sweetly', a Hansel & Gretel retelling. The premise sounds pretty good too. I have it waiting on the Kindle to read so I hope to get to it soon.
Fairy Tales Retold: Little Red Riding Hood
8) 'Strands Of Bronze & Gold'; Jane Nickerson.
I remember seeing the cover and the title and thinking 'This must be a Rapunzel retelling...' Well guys, I was wrong. The cover is beautiful though and I like that Nickerson has picked a lesser known tale. 'The Mirk & The Midnight Hour' is the second in the series, based on Tam Lin and there's a third book set to come out too.
Fairy Tales Retold: Bluebeard
9) 'The Glass Casket'; McCormick Templeman.
This one has such a beautiful cover that certainly gives off the right kind of 'Snow White' vibes. I hear that there's a lot more to the story however, and a few other Fairy Tales are thrown in for good measure too! I've had this on my TBR for a pretty long time too!
Fairy Tales Retold: Snow White & The Seven Dwarves, Snow White & Rose Red
10) 'Splintered'; A.G. Howard.
Alice In Wonderland has always been an intriguing story to me, and yet I don't think I've ever actually read an adaptation of it. I've watched plenty of movies, performances, even TV shows that play around with the idea of it but I would really like to read something and this series comes highly recommended. I do like the covers a lot!
Fairy Tales Retold: Alice In Wonderland
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