Thursday 31 July 2014

Life Of A Blogger: 'Favourite Outings'.

Hmm...this is such a strangely difficult topic for me. Maybe it's because I don't go out much? Nevertheless, I've thought of some favourites.
  • Bookshops. I think this is an obvious one for most book lovers. It doesn't matter where I am, what I'm supposed to be doing, I will always try and make time to go into a bookshop. I might not even buy anything, I'll just be desperate to have a look! I actually find looking around at the books more fun than buying the books half the time.
  • The Theatre. Of course this outing was going to make it to the list too, I adore the Theatre! I like watching Musicals, but really enjoy straight drama as well, especially Shakespeare! It's not just the shows themselves, I like the atmosphere found when going to watch a performance, bot before and after!
  • The Cinema. Mat and I both have Unlimited Cards so we go a fair amount and get to see lots of films. I'm a bit of a film freak, so honestly it's one of my favourite places to go on a date or out with my friends. Especially if I've been looking forward to the film for months and months!
  • Meeting friends. This is a bit of a generic one, but I always look forward to going out with my friends to various places and doing things. Be it for a coffee (or in my case, a cup of tea/hot chocolate because I don't like coffee), a drink at the pub, out for a meal or shopping, I always have a good time.
  • Dinner with Mat. One of my favourite things to do is eat out with my lovely boyfriend. We normally go for Italian, Indian or Mexican, as we both enjoy it. We often go to the same places but when we do go somewhere new, we generally really enjoy it!
There are probably a ton more that I haven't thought of! This was an awesome topic, I look forward to next week's, 'Best Childhood Memory'.

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