I'm extremely happy that this topic came up because there are so many books that I hope I receive from Santa this Christmas!

This looks like such a creepy book and I really want to get my hand on this one to see what all the fuss is about! I've read many good reviews on this one and the plot line just looks so intriguing. I heard about this series so many months ago and I would really like to finally get into it!

I first heard about this book a while back, when I did a Six Degrees Of Separation post and it was the chosen book for that month. I really liked the cover and I was curious to read the synopsis. It looks like a really good book that I would enjoy very much. Hopefully Santa is feeling generous this year!

Seriously, just read the plot-line for this. It's a book told from the POV of a Death-Row inmate. As well as that, it contains a whole lot of magic, imagination and mystery. I have had my eye on this book for such a long time and I've heard so many good things about it!

Ahh Patrick Rothfuss. His book 'The Name Of The wind' is frankly one of the best Fantasy books I have ever read and I need to have this book in my life. My love for this Author can't even be put into words, I was totally hooked and I have never got through such an epic book in such a short space of time. For anyone who hasn't read it, I would highly recommend this one, especially if Fantasy is your thing!

First can I just say that I love the covers for this book. They are absolutely stunning! Secondly, the book itself looks so good! It has many positive reviews on Goodreads and fellow Bloggers have raved about it non-stop. The plot-line looks pretty original and I really hope I get this one.

As if this book wasn't going to be on this list! I read 'Scarlet' very recently and absolutely adored it, just as I had loved 'Cinder' before it! I am so eager to find out what happens in this series and I need to get hold of this book ASAP so that I can! Then all I'll have to do is join everyone else in the big long wait for the next book, 'Winter'.

I have heard a lot about Maggie Stiefvater as an Author and I want to read all of her books actually. However for some reason, this one really caught my attention. Perhaps it's because it's a standalone. Maybe it's the good reviews. It could even be because it has a pretty cool title. I have no idea! I just know that I really want to read it.

Of this entire list, Patrick Ness is the Author I most want to try and read. All of his books look so interesting and have very different plot-lines. He seems to be one of those Authors that people find really hard to place into a category, but everyone enjoys. The reason why I've chosen this one in particular because the cover is the coolest I've seen in a while! I'd be happy with any of his works though, to be honest.

So there's a bit of a strange story behind this one, because before I saw this book I really wanted to read 'Some Kind Of Fairytale' by the same Author. Of course I still do, but when I saw this book and I saw that it was a Ghost Story, I found that this one (also known as 'The Ghost In The Electric Blue Suit') intrigued me even more. A lot of Graham Joyce's works look good, but I would really like this one!

We all know I'm a big fan of Fairytale re-tellings but this one's a little different. It re-tells the famous story of Bluebeard! The funny thing is, it's one of those tales that many people have heard of but not so many people have ever tried to put a twist on. I would love to read it and find out what Nickerson has chosen to do with it!
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