This week is turning out to be a lot of reflecting on 2014. Which is fine because I think that it's a good thing to look back! And this week's topic is a perfect fit!

I have in fact now read this book, but I'm putting it on this list because I really wanted to read it last year! It took me far too long to get round to this book, especially as I was reading the second in the series around the time that this one was being released! Still, I've read it now so it's one to tick off of this rather long list.

2) 'Rebel Belle'; Rachel Hawkins.
Look at that cover! Just look at it! After reading the Synopsis I was taken by surprise because it really was not what I was expecting this book to be about. That is why you should never judge a book by it's cover! It sounded so good though that I desperately wanted to get my hands on it and was devastated when I didn't have time to all year. Hopefully this year?

Duh! Ideally I wanted to have read 'Cinder' and 'Scarlet' before this one came out so that I could join in the hype. In fact, I read 'Cinder' pretty late in the year, and 'Scarlet' in December. There was no way I was getting to 'Cress' in 2014. Don't worry though, I will read this before 'Winter' comes out!

I picked up this book while browsing with my sister in the local supermarket and just knew I had to read it! I could vaguely recall it appearing on my Goodreads news feed a lot and the synopsis looked good. When I got home, I was dismayed to find that actually most of my favourite bloggers had given it a pretty poor review and it got placed at the bottom of the pile. Since then, I've decided that I will try and give it a chance rather than just relying on the opinions of others.

I saw this book get released last year and remember thinking 'Ooh, that looks like a good read!'. Since then I never got round to even buying it, but it's near the top of the 'Must Read Soon(ish)' list so hopefully I'll get round to it this year! Please?

6) 'Cruel Beauty'; Rosamund Hodge.
Why did I not read this? It's a book based on Beauty And The Beast for heaven's sake! I wanted to read so many more fairy-tale books than I managed to last year. This one in particular looked gorgeous and came highly reviewed, but it went on the long list of books that I never got round to reading. Hopefully this year I will get round to it and can read 'Crimson Bound' too!

Yet another case of me falling in love with a cover. I requested this book on Edelweiss and hoped that I would get it! Unfortunately I didn't, so I promised that I would read it when it came out...and didn't again. I will get round to this book at some point though!

8) 'Between The Spark & The Burn'; April Genevieve Tucholke.
This was another one of those series that I told myself I would read the first book, 'Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea', ASAP so that I could get to this 2014 release! Unfortunately I didn't get round to the first in the series until quite late, so I had to wait before reading the second. Oops! That's another one for 2015!

This book just looks absolutely stunning and I am totally gutted I didn't get time to read it. I read one review that said 'I recommend this one to hardcore Fairy Tale fans only'. Uh hello! That's me! It looks like a retelling to smash retellings, taking the story of Snow White, mixing it with the Snow White & Rose Red tale, then adding some Red Riding Hood and Cinderella for good measure. I bet there's a ton more Fairy Tale references to find if I get to read it this year!

I can't even begin to describe how gutted I was when I was rejected by Netgalley to receive an ARC for this book. Naturally I decided that when it was released, I would definitely buy it and read it then. But alas, I just...didn't. I had so many other books to read, series to start, posts to write and things to do that this one was not top of the priority list, as much as I wanted it to be! So here's hoping that 2015 will be the year I get to read this gorgeous looking Peter Pan re-telling.
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