Ah. Do you guys remember the 'Books I'm Looking Forward To' list in December that I wrote for this meme? Well I kinda covered the ten debuts that I'm excited about there (list is here if you want to read it). Not to worry though! In the spirit of taking part, I'll write a list of books of books that I'm generally looking forward to reading, though of course, they won't be 2015 debuts. For me, 2015 looks to be a big year of getting my act together and catching up, so now's my chance to decide which books are high on the priority list!

Come on, we all knew that this book was going to be on here. It's the only one on the list that I don't actually own yet, but I am going to get my hands on it ASAP because 'Cinder' and 'Scarlet' were amazing! And yes, I am looking forward to 'Winter'. Of course I am! Many fellow book bloggers tell me that 'Cress' is the best of the bunch so far so I am very excited!

I got this book for Christmas from my lovely sister, which I was very glad about because it was on my Christmas wishlist! It's full to the brim of magic, mystery and it would seem, an intriguing story. I can't wait to see what Denfeld has in store for me with this one, I've seen nothing but good reviews for it!

I have been nagged repeatedly to start this series, and I certainly will try to this year. I'm quite excited about it actually! It has so many good reviews, the cover looks gorgeous and the plot concept looks great. Do I sense another power couple for me to support? I think I do! It's sitting on my Kindle, just waiting for me to finally settle down and get to.

Yet another obvious one for the list. I really do like this series and I can't go through 2015 without reading at least one more book from it (let's face it, I want to read more but I have a lot of books to read). I know it will be a long read when I get to it, but I also know it will be a worthwhile one.

So not many book bloggers I follow have read this one and I hadn't even heard of it until Goodreads recommended it to me. The cover piqued my interest though, and it looks like another pretty good Fairy Tale retelling for me to dig into. Combine that and it's amazing £1 price for Kindle when I bought it, and I couldn't resist such an intriguing bargain.

This book appeared on the 'Planned Reads' posts quite frequently last month and I plan to actually get round to it this time. No more being silly and making false promises. If I haven't read this book by the end of the year I'll be sorely disappointed.

I remember a couple of school friends recommending this book to me a long time ago and I never got round to reading it (or if I did, I don't remember it was so long ago)! The cover and synopsis look and sound great, and it's sitting on my bookshelf after a long year of waiting to be read.

Yet another book that I planned to read last year and just didn't. I used to have a book, when I was much younger, called 'Dragonology'. It kind of reminded me of that, as I think it imagines a world just like our own (though perhaps an earlier era), where Dragons exist. I might be wrong but it looks really good anyway and I look forward to finding out.

I bought this book a while back and promptly forgot about it. I would keep seeing Sedgwick's name and saying to myself 'Oh yes, I must read that book', only to forget again. So this list shall serve as a reminder to actually read this book because the Author is highly reviewed.

Wahoo, a really cool looking Fantasy series that I really need to start! I treated myself to a book in 2014 while buying presents for my friends: this one. Since then I haven't read it, but have gazed longingly at it almost every day, and I vow to actually get to it this year!
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