Thursday, 31 January 2019

January Wrap-Up.

January normally feels like a really long month to me, but actually I didn't feel that so much this time around! I got through a good few books though and I'm pleased with the four I managed.

  1. 'Glimpse' by Kendra Leighton. A likeable paranormal retelling of Alfred Noyes's poem 'The Highwayman'. The glimpses and plot development were the most engaging aspects, though it felt like it ended without a complete resolution. 3.5/5 Stars.
  2. 'The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet' by Becky Chambers. It totally blew my socks off and I'm devastated I didn't start this book sooner. Great characters and relationships, and an interesting universe with so much detail! 5/5 Stars.
  3. 'The Sisters Of The Winter Wood' by Rena Rossner. An enchanting retelling of Christina Rossetti's poem 'Goblin Market'. I liked the Jewish representation and historical setting mixed with all the magic, but felt there was far too much plot, too many words to look up and not enough likeable characterisation. 2.5/5 Stars.
  4. 'The Last' by Hanna Jameson. I hadn't read a dystopian novel in a while and felt that the genre mixed with murder mystery was interesting. This would be a great read for a book club, it provokes a lot of thought and debate, but I think the characters were completely unlikeable and the plot did not conclude well. 3/5 stars.
This month I read three books for the Beat The Backlist Challenge, making my yearly total three.

- Glimpse
- The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet
- The Sisters Of The Winter Wood

This month I read one book for the New Release Challenge, making my yearly total one.

- The Last

This month I read zero books for the Finishing The Series Challenge, making my yearly total zero.

As I move up the ranks I will change the badge accordingly, though I technically haven't earned this one yet...

This month I read two books for the Diversity Reading Challenge, making my yearly total two.

- The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet
- The Sisters Of The Winter Wood *This fit the mini challenges theme: Diverse folktales/ culture/ mythology OR diverse retelling OR non western setting)*

And here is my updated Bookish Bingo card:

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