I have to say, this topic is probably my favourite kind of topic to answer. I absolutely love looking ahead, especially when it comes to thinking about all the wonderful books being released this year! Narrowing it down is really hard, and ten was absolutely impossible, and so I've picked twenty instead!

1) 'The Wicked King' by Holly Black.
Published 8th January.
Let's face it, this is going to be on so many lists. 'The Cruel Prince' was one of the most beloved books of 2018, and I myself really enjoyed it. Especially the last third. So I have high hopes for this sequel and how it will continue Jude and Cardan's story!
2) 'The Winter Of The Witch' by Katherine Arden.
Published 9th January.
This is probably my personal most anticipated read of 2019, as it's the finale of one of my favourite book series of all time, 'The Winternight Trilogy'. I am so ready for more of Vasya and Sasha, Russian folklore and a certain frost demon that's captured everyone's feels.
3) 'Two Can Keep A Secret' by Karen M. McManus.
Published 10th January.
This one is on the list purely because I adored McManus's debut, 'One Of Us Is Lying', was so enjoyable. I don't often like thrillers but this YA murder mystery had it all, and it's raised my expectations for McManus's second book immensely.
4) 'The Gilded Wolves' by Roshani Chokshi.
Published 15th January.
This book excites me. So much. It's by an author whose work I've loved before ('The Star-Touched Queen' was amazing), it's an LGBT+ read which is wonderful and I've seen so many reviews that say it has 'Six Of Crows' vibes which is PERFECT.
5) 'King Of Scars' by Leigh Bardugo.
Published 29th January.
Speaking of 'Six Of Crows', Leigh Bardugo is releasing another book and it's focusing on one of my favourite characters - Nikolai. I have missed his charm and sense of humour so much, and I sense that this one will have some angst too! My favourite kind of character!

6) 'Enchantée' by Gita Trelease.
Published 7th February.
I am ridiculously excited about this release! I was sent the ARC in 2018 and couldn't believe my luck. Not only is it beautiful, but it has a really cool synopsis. Set in Paris during the French revolution, it's historical fiction with a touch of magic and that usually makes an awesome combination.
7) 'Fierce Fragile Hearts' by Sara Barnard.
Published 7th February.
Sara Barnard is a tour de force in YA contemporary fiction. I've loved her books from the very first one, 'Beautiful Broken Things' and so this companion novel/sequel is hopefully going to be even better!
8) 'The Black Coats' by Colleen Oakes.
Published 12th February.
This is the first book on this list so far that I haven't previously read anything by the author, but I'm really loving the feminist synopsis for this one. It feels like a reaction to today's political climate, to the #MeToo campaign and also contains a good dose of vigilante justice.
9) 'The Priory Of The Orange Tree' by Samantha Shannon.
Published 26th February.
This cover, first off, is a cover I get on board with. It is so stunning and beautifully illustrated! Secondly, I've been longing for an epic fantasy that will really pique my interest, and this might be it! I've heard great things about Shannon's work so have very high expectations.
10) 'Children Of Virtue & Vengeance' by Tomi Adeyemi.
Published 5th March.
If there's one book that was obviously going to be here, it was going to be this one. 'Children Of Blood & Bone' reached worldwide acclaim, and for good reason. I want more African-inspired fantasy, more magic, more angsty romance and friendship, and I'm looking forward to getting my fix.

11) 'Once & Future' by Amy Rose Capetta & Cori McCarthy.
Published 5th March.
The first retelling on this list, and it's a new one for me - I haven't ever really read any imaginings of Arthurian Legend before! Especially set in space/the future! But this definitely seems like an interesting interpretation with a female Arthur reincarnation!
12) 'Opposite Of Always' by Justin A. Reynolds.
Published 12th March.
I haven't read a book on time travel for a while, and this one is very reminiscent of Groundhog Day. I love that it's inclusive, and though I'm suspecting a sad ending I'm willing to take a risk with it.
13) 'Other Words For Smoke' by Sarah Maria Griffin.
Published 12th March.
This looks so creepy. Just the description of an owl in the walls named Sweet James that has a taste for the twins who have just moved on gives me the shivers and I'm looking forward to being scared. This book promises plenty of witchy, spooky fun!
14) 'Wicked Saints' by Emily A. Duncan.
Published 2nd April.
I'm drawn to this book mostly because the author has been so vocal about it's contents. Reminiscent to the Grishaverse? Check. Snarky, strong themes? Check. Hot villains? CHECK CHECK CHECK. Yeah, I'm excited.
15) 'Descendant Of The Crane' by Joan He.
Published 2nd April.
This book had me at 'Chinese-inspired fantasy'. I love the cover and the synopsis and I also love that it's currently a standalone. I love standalone fantasy!

16) 'The Meaning Of Birds' by Jaye Robin Browne.
Published 16th April.
This book looks like it will make me sob, but I'm trying to get better at reading 'sad books', and this also looks really good. I love the gorgeous cover, the LGBT+ relationship, and the sense of hope I get from the blurb.
17) 'Hot Dog Girl' by Jennifer Dugan.
Published 30th April.
Another LGBT+ read, I really think that the theme park setting looks promising here. I'm anticipating some fun characters to adore, but also I'm desperately hoping for a bisexual MC. Please?
18) 'We Hunt The Flame' by Hafsah Faizal.
Published 14th May.
This one has been on my list for an absolute age, because I'm a sucker for fantasy, especially if it's inspired by ancient Arabia! I've had some really great experiences with reads set in that sort of time period, so I can only hope that trend continues.
19) 'Last Bus To Everland' by Sophie Cameron.
Published 14th May.
'Out Of The Blue', read in 2018, was a really surprising read for me bbecause I lved it oh-so much. So, this modern retelling of Peter Pan looks insanely good. I've been hankering for a good Peter Pan retelling since Shari Arnold's 'Neverland'. Hopefully this will be it!
20) 'The Kingdom' by Jess Rothenberg.
Published 28th May.
Another theme park set book, though this is a sci-fi story about a robot-filled one where enjoying yourself is the rule rather than the result. I'm intrigued by the synopsis and I'm hoping there'll be some good fairy tale references and 'The Lunar Chronicles' vibes too.
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