At this point, my TBR Pile is a beast very much out of control. I really need to go through and cull it down, but I looked at the latest twenty additions here and picked the ten I'm most excited about/desperate to read!

1) 'Redwall' by Brian Jacques.
I am very aware that this is a very old series. In fact, I remember it being in my school library! But it's a beloved fantasy epic saga, and contains talking animal characters which I really love the look of! I can't believe it wasn't on my TBR before!
2) 'The Lost Coast' by Amy Rose Capetta.
Queer. Witches. Need I go on? I love this cover, and the synopsis gives me the same vibes that Laure Eve's 'The Graces' gave me, so I'm very intrigued and excited by this book!
3) 'We Contain Multitudes' by Sarah Henstra.
I am living for m/m reads thanks to my newly discovered love for webcomics, and this novel looks awesome! It's so nice to see so many LGBT+ releases coming our way in 2019.
4) 'Castle Of Lies' by Kiersi Burkhart.
I'd been hoping to stumble across some YA Fantasy with a gorgeous cover! There looks to be a lot of interesting representation (LGBT+ and I've even read about poly relationships) so hopefully it's all done well!
5) 'Wicked Fox' by Kat Cho.
Give me that Korean mythology now *grabby hands*!! The cover is stunning, it contains heavy references to the nine-tailed fox/gumiho folklore (similar to Japan's kitsune) and I am so here for my favourite fox spirit!

6) 'A Closed & Common Orbit' by Becky Chambers.
Obviously this was a recent addition to the TBR due to only just reading 'A Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet'. It's pretty high on my priority list, seeing as I loved the first book in the series so much!
7) 'The Merciful Crow' by Margaret Owen.
More fantasy! This one looks a little bit different too, with clans named after birds, mercy killers, and shapeshifters! It looks like there'll be three POV characters and I'm really excited to get to know them!
8) 'Before I Disappear' by Danielle Stinson.
A vanishing town? Getting trapped in a space that doesn't exist? I kind of love the sound of this urban fantasy mystery! It reminds me of Once Upon A Time actually, a TV Show I love. I'm getting some creepy vibes from it too.
9) 'Lord Of The Butterflies' by Andrea Gibson.
Time for a new collection of poetry? Maybe. Specifically Button Poetry, whose Youtube channel is full to the brim of talented poets and I would love to read more work from this publishing company.
10) 'In The Dark Corner, I Stood Alone' by Petra Pavlikova.
I love fairy tales, and this collection contains plenty of nods to the subject! In particular, it focuses on women, and I'm excited to hear the voices of witches, princesses, step-mothers, queens and all manner of fairy tale favourite archetypes in a new light.
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