Yet another challenge that I know I'll enjoy, because I love casting things in my head! I'll be doing a cast list for the current book I'm reading, 'Cress'. I'm not massively far in though so I'll settle for casting the series as a whole.
So seeing as the first book is set in New Beijing, I'll be looking at a whole host of Chinese actors and actresses to play the characters who live there. Cinder had to be cast just right and I chose Fan Bingbing to play her! To me, Cinder is a very clever character and knows how to get out of a tight situation. I saw Fan Bingbing in 'Xmen: Days Of Future Past' and thought she would be really good for some of the action scenes, as well as being very pretty.

Kai, the crown Prince of the Eastern Commonwealth had to be of the same origin for me. As well as that he had to be handsome and likeable. Harry Shum Jr. has been in 'Step Up 2' and 'Glee', in both of which he fulfilled those two traits. It would be interesting to see him play someone a little more serious however. Kai is the perfect role in which he gets to show a serious side, while also being kind, funny and trustworthy.

Scarlet would be such a fun role to play, and of course I had to get a gorgeous red head in to play her. My chosen lady is Karen Gillan because I adore her character in 'Doctor Who'. She certainly showed that she has attitude and is able to handle herself, but with a vulnerable side. Scarlet is stubborn too so I think the two were made for each other. This one took me absolutely ages to figure out, but I'm glad I got there in the end!
I had to get someone who I knew could impress with some major muscles should they ever play this role, and Chris Hemsworth was the man for the job. I've seen him in a few things, namely 'Thor' (both of them), 'The Avengers' and 'Snow White & The Huntsman'. He particularly impressed me in that last one! I felt that the Huntsman's personality was quite similar to Wolf's!

I don't think there could be anyone more perfect for the role than Amanda Seyfried. She has just the right look. From what I've seen of Cress so far, she's a little bit naive and wide-eyed, yet a smart hacker and determined to see more of life. I've seen Amanda Seyfried in a variety of films: 'Les Miserables', 'Mamma Mia', 'Letters To Juliet', 'Red Riding Hood'. I think she has the right credentials to pull off such a multi-faceted personality.

So the first person that came to my head was Zachary Levi. When I watched him in 'Thor: The Dark World' as Fandral, I thought he was brilliant. Then when I read Scarlet, I thought 'Hey, this guy is just like Fandral!' Of course he was my go to guy for Captain Thorne. Both characters are hilarious, a little arrogant, a hit with the ladies and willing to be brave and honourable when the time comes.

It was never not going to be Charlize Theron. She was absolutely perfect as the Evil Queen in 'Snow White & The Huntsman' and I've loved her in other things I have seen her in, such as 'Prometheus' and 'The Italian Job' and I've noticed she's very good at playing villains, especially when the role requires adding a touch of humanity. She's absolutely beautiful too, which is a must for anyone playing this role!
Adri: Maggie Cheung
Pearl: Zhang Ziyi
Peony: Catherine Chan
Sybil: Marion Cotillard
Michelle Benoit: Vanessa Redgrave
Torin: Colin Firth
Doctor Ermond: Stellan Skarsgard
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