This is a really interesting list that is going to be easy to find answers for (I hope) because I am always adding books to my TBR List! Hopefully others will have the same books on their TBR too, and I can't wait to see which books everyone is excited to read!

I saw this book on Amazon while searching for something else and instantly had to get it! It looks so good! Everyone knows I love a good fairy tale, and this blurb tells me the book has the makings of a good one. The book was actually published this year and I have no idea why I haven't seen it around until now, but it does have a pretty cover too!

I actually saw this book and wanted to read it quite a while back, but it wasn't until recently that I actually added it to my TBR. Now that I know a lot more about it, I'm glad that I waited. t honestly looks like it will be very different from what I expected, but still a really good read. I've read the first book of Bardugo's 'The Grisha' series and really liked it, so I should probably wait until I finish that. Nevertheless, I'm excited about this one!

This book went through a phase of constantly appearing on my Goodreads Advert bar. The cover and title instantly got my attention and upon having a look, decided it might be worth a read! I've seen Sarah Pinborough's name dotted about the Blogosphere and a lot of her readers seem to think her books are rather good. Also I've just noticed she's written a Fairy Tale series too, so now she's a must read!

I remember vaguely hearing Byatt's name once or twice, but it was actually a recent trip to the five-floor Waterstones at Piccadilly that spurred this addition to my TBR. My eye is always caught when an author has a really long line of books on the shelf, so I picked up this one because it had an intriguing title. The cover, may I add, was beautifully rendered and instantly grabbed my attention but the synopsis really caught my eye. Historical fiction will always be a well-read genre of mine,especially if it's written well. This could be a favourite new author in the making!

Have you all noted how a lot of these seem to be cover based? I am definitely one of those people who judges books by their covers, aren't I? Oops! Still look at this one, it's gorgeous! But pushing that aside, apparently this one is about Trolls! the last time I read a book on them was when I read Danielle L. Jensen's 'Stolen Songbird' and I really enjoyed that. It would be nice to see what another author's take on this creature is!

I have seen this book everywhere. Goodreads wants me to read it. Bloggers want me to read it. Amazon wants me to read it. Seriously, I mean everywhere. I've read that it's going to be a made into a movie, and considering it only came out in January I'm pretty impressed. I've also read that it's reminiscent of 'The Fault In Our Stars', a book that I adored! It sounds like it reflects on some really interesting themes and I can't wait to get round to it at some point.

I keep seeing this book whenever I walk into WH Smiths or Waterstones neatly displayed at the front of the shop in a 'LOOK AT ME!' fashion. It actually looks really cool and having read the synopsis, totally looks like my kind of book. I've already mentioned I love Historical Fiction, especially when it doesn't necessarily focus on famous lives or stories. This one is classed as Historical Fiction, but also contains Fantastical elements that are sure to keep me reading!

This book came out last year, but I didn't really see much of it around until later on in the year. That is until I was looking for some good stories containing ghosts and found this. It sounds a little like a loose re-telling of 'The Phantom Of The Opera' (definitely a film and musical that I have adored) and I like the setting too. I've read good and bad reviews on this one but I'm intrigued to see how it goes!

I haven't seen this book floating around the internet all that much and actually stumbled upon it by accident (though I can't remember how now). It looks really good though! It is a tale of true love based on 'One Thousand And One Nights' and I love the plot concept so much! I'm really intrigued to see where the story will go. Those who have managed to snag an ARC have given it really good reviews so I'm excited!

This book really only came to my attention very recently, and only because it appeared on a Goodreads 'Readers Enjoyed...' list! I've always like text based covers and this one grabbed my attention enough to read the synopsis and be excited about it. There's a real 'circus' feel for this one and it would seem Magical Realism is heavily involved. My experiences with that genre have been mixed, but I have often been told I would enjoy Angela Carter's work, and this book is described as perfect for Angela Carter fans!
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