I am very excited for my Spring TBR! I have always loved the Spring, not just because it's when my birthday is, but because it feels like a time for fresh starts! As spring is a time for new things, I hope to start a lot of series that I have been dying to get into for as long as I can remember! As well as that, it's time to do some spring cleaning and clear off some of that TBR pile that's been sitting around for so long!

This book has been sitting on my Kindle shelf for about a year now. If it wasn't a virtual read, it would be dusty! It focuses on a land where Fairy Tales go once they are created (sounds like my kind of book) and I really look forward to getting round to it, hopefully next month! This is a Netgalley read and that shelf certainly needs to be cleaned!

While visiting home yesterday, I bought the DVD of the film that I never got to watch at the cinema. While buying it, I thought 'I really ought to read this book'. It's the last in the series and I'm really excited about the prospect of finally getting to it! Hopefully it will be worth the wait, I'm seriously considering actually waiting until I've read the book before watching the film so hopefully I'll get to this book soon!

I keep seeing this series everywhere, and determined to get into it I nabbed a copy of the next in the series, 'The Winner's Crime' from Netgalley. Now I have to read this book! I'm really excited about it too, it sounds like an awesome read and comes highly recommended by many parties. Time to catch up I think!

If this doesn't have a spring cover, I don't know what does! Something about this season ever so slightly puts me in the mood for contemporary reads and this was an obvious choice. I've wanted to read it for so long! It sounds like such an interesting story and I can't wait to see where it takes me!

My flat mate has been pestering me to read this (with good reason I believe) for months. Seeing as her favourite book is 'The Book Thief' (as is mine) I can only assume that she has fantastic taste in books and this one will be an amazing read. I can't wait to get into it, especially as I recently bought 'The Farm' by the same author and have wanted to get into this man's work!

I read a Sarah Addison Allen book recently, 'The Girl Who Chased The Moon', and adored it! Allen is such a spring author too I just need to read another book of hers during these months. Hopefully I'll get round to this one, as it's actually the first book in a series rather than a standalone! I hope it's as good as her other work!

This book has been on my TBR since last year for sure, as it was one of my Goodreads 'First Reads' wins! I can't believe how much I've just forgotten about these and really need to get back on track with them! It looks like an amazing story as well, I'm really looking forward to finding out what it's about. It is well reviewed so hopefully it will be worth the long wait.

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, 'A Certain Slant Of Light'. I found it an original take on the afterlife and I'm in the mood for that sort of read again. One that actually makes you think a little. The cover for this one is absolutely beautiful too and I'm intrigued to see which direction Whitcomb will take for this final installment.

Of course I have to have the next installment of one of my favourite series of all time! The fifth season of the show will be on next month and I'm really in the mood to make a concerted effort to catch up a bit more. It will be so fun too to spot the differences (as I usually do) and Martin never fails to blow me away with his fantastic writing skills!

Looking over some of the reads waiting on my shelf, I can't believe how long it has been since I read 'Rivers Of London'! I'm really settling into London now and embracing it's lifestyle, and I would love to be drawn back into the paranormal world that Aaronovitch successfully creates in conjunction with the city in this series. Time for the next chapter!
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