Here is my current read that I just started.
- 'A Court Of Thorns & Roses'; Sarah J. Maas. This is a book I've been wanting to get hold of for a while, and it came up on Amazon Kindle pretty cheap recently, so I snatched it up! I've been dying to get into more books about Faeries and love that this is a retelling of 'Beauty & The Beast' though it has received pretty mixed reviews so I have my fingers crossed that it's not a passenger of the Hype Train!
And here are the rest of the reads I picked for this month!

- 'Thief With No Shadow'; Emily Gee. I have had this book on my shelf for a long time. It was actually a Birthday present from so long ago that I never got round to reading, so finally I've decided the time has come to see what it's like! It's Fantasy, which is a genre I'm eager to get back into, so I'm really looking forward to this read.
- 'Allegiant'; Veronica Roth. It's about time that I finished this series. I read Book Two fairly recently and didn't enjoy it as much as the first, plus, I've heard some seriously worrying thoughts on the final installment which has really put me off. I won't feel at peace with this one if I don't judge it for myself however, and now is the time to do that.
- 'Salt To The Sea'; Ruta Sepetys. Historical YA is always something I appreciate reading, and this one looks really good. It's based on true events, but told from the perspective of four teenagers and I'm really intrigued to read Sepetys' writing. I've heard great things! Plus, I haven't read Post-WWII fiction for a while.
- 'I Am Malala' (Young Readers Ed.); Malala Yousafzai & Patricia McCormick. Continuing with my new desire to read more Non-Fiction, I received this book from Netgalley quite a while back. I've always wanted to read Malala's story and now have the opportunity to do so, though I'm fully aware that this is aimed at a younger readership and might not reveal some of the true horrors to their fullest extent. Nevertheless, this is one of my most anticipated reads this month!
- 'World After'; Susan Ee. I read the first book of this series about two thirds of the way through last year and loved it. In fact I recommended it to one of my fellow readers at work, who also thought it was great and proceeded to totally outdo me by finishing the entire series while I lagged behind. So now this is my effort to catch up and I'm determined not to leave so long before finishing it altogether.
- 'Pantomime'; Laura Lam. I saw this book a while back but wasn't totally convinced by it. However, Amazon recently recommended it to me again and along with this gorgeous new covered, I'm curious enough to give it a try. I like the idea of an Intersex MC a lot, not to mention the inclusion of a Circus! I can't wait to dive in!
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