SOURCE: Bought
TYPE: E-Read
TITLE: The Book Of Lost Things
AUTHOR: John Connolly
PUBLISHER: Atria Books
PAGES: 310
GENRE: Young Adult, Fantasy, Retelling, Horror
RATING: 4/5 Stars

What I Liked:
- The best aspect of this book by far is the way that it re-imagines age old Fairy Tales, Myths & Legends and makes them a little darker, more twisted and less innocent. You won't find much in the way of happy endings here and I think that's refreshing in it's own right. Sometimes, the different endings, genders, etc. were funny, as was the case with Snow White & the seven dwarves. Others were very dark and horrifying (the Huntress was not a character I recognised but if you're not a fan of gore then her chapter won't be for you) but I appreciated each and every one of them. I love symbolism and hidden, deeper meanings in stories so this was perfect!
- There were some great characters in this book, both good and bad. My favourite was actually the Crooked Man because of his unquenchable evil. I'm normally more of a fan of villains with back-story or moral ambiguity but in this case, I liked that the Crooked Man had neither of those things. It totally worked! He gave the story a 'Labyrinth' like feel (one of my favourite films) and the fact that he could not be persuaded made him all the more interesting. He was pretty funny too at times.
What I Disliked:
- Connolly's actual writing was a little, minor disappointment in that I was expecting to be totally blown away and simply wasn't. There were of course some lovely moments, and wonderful quotes, but for the most part I felt let down by the pacing. It was as if Connolly had written the perfect beginning and ending but struggled to fill the middle.
- David, the hero, posed mixed feelings within me too. I felt genuinely sorry for his situation and sympathised with his loneliness in his new situation, but I often found him incredibly naive, a little frustrating and too spoilt as well. When a villain like the Crooked Man comes along, I feel it's important that the hero should be the polar opposite and I didn't always get that sense with David. I appreciate that this was a Coming Of Age story too however, and found this only a minor quibble.
Overall Conclusion:
This book was a lot of fun from beginning to end and being a big fan of a lot of the things that this book represented, I loved it! Some outstanding character work that could be extended to most, the inclusion of diversity (homosexuality being one of the key twists in one well-known tale), some interesting takes on well-known stories and a few new tales that I hadn't read before, and a well-thought up Fantasy land. Fantastic! Minor issues such as obvious 'filler' stories and frustrating heroes were nothing when it came to focusing on the bigger picture for this book.
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