Oh man, I could definitely fill this topic with a lot more than ten books. I'll only include ten though because I'd probably die of shame if I included them all...

Wow, I've definitely talked about my constant failure with starting this book before. I adored 'The Name Of The Wind'. I mean really loved it. It's one of the few books I've actually reread and at this rate, I'm definitely going to have to reread it again! I bought book two a long time ago and just never got to it. Life got in the way, and now I'm at the stage where I'm putting it off more and more, despite the fact that Rothfuss has also released 'The Slow Regard Of Silent Things' at this point. I really want to get back into this series!

Honestly, this series is my biggest shame for the same reason as Rothfuss'. I pre-ordered and bought 'Eldest' and 'Brisingr' after reading 'Eragon' because they were all so good, and I definitely read them straight away. When it came to the last book however (which I also pre-ordered) I bought it and on the shelf it stayed, waiting for that moment I would finally get round to reading it. Sadly, I aven't yet and I'm definitely going to have to reread the first three books in order to appreciate it properly. That's probably why it's taking me so long...

Angela Carter came heavily recommended to me throughout my A-Levels because so many people studying English A-Level got to read 'The Bloody Chamber' and thought it was so good! I really wanted to start with something a little different however, and I fell in love with this book as soon as I saw it. I thought I'd manage to get round to it straight away, but sadly I never did. I'll hopefully get round to this one soon enough though.

I was given this book as a birthday present because of my own love for 'Oliver Twist' and Fantasy books. This is a re-working of the tale written by the late Terry Pratchett, an author whose books I remember being prominent in the literary world, even if I haven't read them myself. The Artful Dodger is my favourite character from Dicken's classic (which I've also not read, only seen...ouch I'm terrible) so I think this is a great read in the making!

Now, I did manage to read a Kate Mosse book kind of recently so I'm not totally awful but this was the original that I owned and never read. It's part of a historical series that I think is going to need a little bit of dedication because it's pretty long. Mosse's book of short stories was an enjoyable read though a little lengthy on the descriptions so I feel like I might have to be in a certain type of mood to read this one, but I will get round to it...eventually.

I got this book ages ago, back when I was barely into my teens. So long ago in fact, that I can't even remember how I got hold of it! I think I bought it for myself! I don't know much about the book either other than the fact that it involves wolves, and they are animals that I really love to read about, especially in Fantasy settings. It looks like such a great read nevertheless, I can't wait!

This is a very famous book that I've heard a lot about, so I bought it when I first started this blog in the hopes of reading it. I still haven't managed that, though considering the fact that I've enjoyed books such as 'To Kill A Mockingbird' and 'The Invention Of Wings', I have really high hopes for this book and refuse to watch the critically-acclaimed movie until I've got through the book!

I don't know how to express my disappointment in the fact that I've never read a Brandon Sanderson book in my life. It's shameful. I just know that his work is going to be exactly the kind of thing I enjoy reading, and this book was such a lovely gift for my birthday! I wish I'd made time for it before, but sadly other books have just got in the way. Also, I love the covers for this book!

I watched this film a really long time ago and absolutely adored it. It had all my favourite Fantasy elements and was my first introduction into the wacky world of Neil Gaiman. I was certain it would be my first read by the same author, but instead I read 'Coraline', 'The Ocean At The End Of The Lane', 'The Sleeper & The Spindle' and 'The Graveyard Book'. All great books but I'm still upset that I didn't get round to the one I originally wanted to read.

I actually received this book for free when I pre-ordered 'Inheritance' (see above) and I thought it looked really good! I love books with dragons in them and the Waterstones bookseller really recommended it! Unfortunately it has ended up sitting on my shelf and waiting for me to actually get to it. It still appeals to me as an interesting enough read, with a gorgeous cover!
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