The first of what will probably be many Fairy Tale related books, Rosamund Hodge has been on the list for a while. I also really want to read 'Crimson Bound' and her newest release 'Bright Smoke, Cold Fire', both of which look amazing. Just look at those covers. If I had the money and the space, this would be the first in the shopping cart.

This was a 2016 release that I got really excited about and then never got round to buying or reading. I'm severely disappointed in myself, especially after I've read the first three volumes of the original Sherlock Holmes series and loved it! I want to start reading more adaptations focusing on the famous detective duo!

I've enjoyed books like 'To Kill A Mockingbird' or 'The Invention Of Wings' in the past, both of which focus heavily on Racism as a theme. I also really enjoy Fairy Tales. The two combined just sounds perfect! This is supposed to be a very loose retelling of 'Snow White' with a lot of twists on the original tale and it's message. I for one think it sounds fantastic!

I love books about magicians. My flat mate actually bought this and while the book itself is absolutely huge, I loved it instantly. It's been a while since I've read a Historical Fiction with such fantastical roots and I'm desperate to start reading larger books. Also if the Gift Card was loaded, I would like to squeeze as much of my money's-worth page-wise!

This is a series I've been eyeing up for a long time. It's received mixed reviews but as I'm a fan of shows such as 'Once Upon A Time' as well as the 'Wicked' musical, I think I should have no problem loving this book series too. Also the covers look so cool.

Another 2016 release that I fell head over heels for, I haven't actually read any of Victoria Schwab's stuff yet though I indulged in a copy of 'A Darker Shade Of Magic' recently. I've heard great things, and this one takes a slightly different path, choosing to retell Shakespeare's famous 'Romeo & Juliet'. I saw that play recently live, so reading a re-imagining of it would be ideal!

This is probably the book that makes me feel most guilty out of all of them. I read 'Stolen Songbird' years ago and absolutely adored it. Yet, I never got round to even purchasing it's sequel, let alone reading it. I want to though, I need to find out what happens!

Who doesn't love a good set of short stories? This one includes a lot of them by various, famous authors. Also, it sounds totally badass. I love to be creeped out, especially while reading and the fact that a lot of these stories draw from well-known inspirations makes it even more exciting. A must-read on my list for sure!

I love the idea behind this book, the potential for references to Indian Mythology (I love Mythology) and this was probably the book I was most excited about for 2016. The problem is that it is hard to procure in Britain (as in, extremely expensive) so I'm having to hold off...for now...

I saw this book quite a while back and while it isn't my usual read I was actually quite drawn in by it. It has an intriguing cover and an even more intriguing synopsis so I'm looking forward to the moment I finally get hold of it!
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