Saturday 15 February 2014

Daily Shenanigans, 15/02/2014: I won again!

The day started off rather well for me! I woke up to find that I had won yet another Goodreads 'First Reads' giveaway! Hooray! This one is called 'The Hotel Fakir' by Adam Smolka. It's a short book (only 72 pages) and looks to be an interesting read which I look forward to! The rest of my morning was spent finishing short reviews of all of the books I have marked as 'read' on the site, and I am very glad that I've finally finished doing that! I plan to rejig the reviews I have posted here, as I think that the layout of my book reviews right now is a bit confusing and long. I would rather introduce some subtitles so that it is easier to organise my thoughts on each book! 

This afternoon, after Mat finished work, he came to pick me up and I am staying at his for the rest of the weekend. I will probably be meeting with him quite a lot this week, as it is his Reading Week and so he's staying at home for it. We have had a bit of a lazy afternoon into evening and I'm currently sat here blogging while he plays Assassin's Creed 4 (seriously, I've said this before, awesome game!) I plan to be quite productive tomorrow, I have to get some Multimedia done in time for my lecture on Monday, and hopefully I can sort those book reviews too (if I don't do it tonight). 

The rest of my evening will probably consist of a bit of reading. I really do need to catch up, I'm falling behind and the end of February is fast approaching! Also, I must start to plan what I'm going to read in March. I've had a sneak peek at my challenge categories and it looks like I'm going to have to go book shopping/borrowing if I am going to get books that meet the requirements. Not to worry, I love doing that!

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