- 'Spectacle' by Megan Rose Gedris. My first read of the month was not originally planned at all. I took a break about halfway through the 600 page long epic 'Children Of Blood & Bone' and wanted something easy and relatively short - a graphic novel being the perfect solution! I loved the characters, magic and inclusion of a circus in this one. Plus, the art style was gorgeous! 4/5 Stars.
- 'Children Of Blood & Bone' by Tomi Adeyemi. This is probably my favourite read of the year so far. It was long but so worth it! Great characters, a wonderful setting and everything I could ever want in a fantasy! I'm all about diversity in books too, and this one basically had me weeping. 5/5 Stars.
- 'bone' by Yrsa Daley-Ward. I don't read poetry a lot, but when I do, I want to be blown away! And I really liked this collection from Daley-Ward a lot. Captivatingly honest, vulnerable and filled with raw emotion, she proved that you only need twenty words to tell a story and make a person reflect. 4/5 Stars.
- 'The Novice' by Taran Matharu. Not a great closing read for the month I'm afraid, it took me a long time to get through this book. The pop culture inspiration that it took was almost overbearingly similar, the world-building was a little vague, the middle section of the book really dipped and I felt that the writing wasn't all that impressive. I've heard book two picks up a lot so will give that a try. If not, I won't continue this series. 2.5/5 Stars.
This month I read two books for the Beat The Backlist Challenge, making my yearly total so far nine.
- bone
- The Novice
This month I read zero books for the Finishing The Series Challenge, making my yearly total so far zero.
- Spectacle
- Children Of Blood & Bone
I read four books for the Netgalley & Edelweiss Challenge, making my yearly total so far nine.
- Spectacle
- Children Of Blood & Bone
- bone
- The Novice
Here is the end result for Pretty Deadly Blog's Bookish Bingo card.
Part Of A Series: The Novice; Taran Matharu
Spring Release: Children Of Blood & Bone; Tomi Adeyemi
Freebie: --
Intersectional Diversity: bone; Yrsa Daley-Ward
Family: Spectacle; Megan Rose Gedris