Wednesday 8 February 2012

Monochrome Winter

Welcome to my blog.

So here is my first post. This blog is going to, as my description suggests, become my artistic outlet. So many times I have had an itch when seeing something inspirational. Something I want to share!

The title of this post comes because while on the train back from Uni today, I was looking at some distant hills. They were covered in snow and I realised how everything looked so Black and White, like something from an old movie. The hills were of course a bright white with the snow, combined with ash grey freckles. Then the thick shrubs, bushes and trees were a coal black, set against a light silver sky. Not a single speck of colour was to be seen. Dismal and mirky as the sight was, it was strangely beautiful. Who knew? Unfortunately I couldn't get a decent picture to show you, but the sight made me decide i was finally going to stop procrastinating and start blogging.

Talking of black and white movies, I'm (weather permitting) off to see 'The Artist' tomorrow with the fella! I've heard good things, so have high expectations of it! I'll let you all know about it tomorrow, it's quite late and I'm knackered!

This is the most similar picture I could find to the kind of view I was getting. Pretty isn't it?

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