So this week's topic is rereads! Now, I don't really do an awful lot of rereading books,but there are a few that I would if I had the time!

This is my favourite book of all time. Of course it was going to be on the list! Seriously, it has everything I could ever love in a good book and if I had the chance, I would read it over and over again. It's a beautiful story that broke my heart to read and stuck with me for a very long time afterwards.

I suspect this series will be on many a list this week. If only I had the time on my hands to reread this gorgeous set of books! They were my favourite set of stories to read growing up, and I loved the way that it felt like they grew up with me. Rowling writes so well in these books and to this day, I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter!
I don't think that I ever really mention this series in my lists, but it is such a good one! One of my good, book-loving friends lent it to me when I was at school and I was hooked from Book one! It had amazing characters, a great story-line and a very well-built world. It's finale will haunt me for the rest of my days too.
Okay, so I haven't technically finished this series. But that is exactly why I have to reread it! I want to make sure I remember every detail that I need to in preparation for the final book. So yes, in an ideal world I would definitely reread this amazing series. And I just hope the last book is worth it!
For exactly the same reason as above, I need to reread 'The Name Of The Wind'. Rothfuss has such an amazing writing style, and I was impressed with that novel from start to finish. I just wish that I had got round to reading 'The Wise Man's Fear' when it came out. Now that 'The Slow Regard Of Silent Things' is on it's way, I'm feeling very behind.

This is one of my all time favourite classics that I read in Year 9 at school. I've read it a few times and never stopped enjoying it, but it has been quite a while since the last time that I read it. If I could, I would love to reread it!
7) All books set in Tortall; Tamora Pierce.
Perhaps I talk about Tamora Pierce's books too much but seriously I love this woman and her books! The series that I am referring to are of course: 'The Song Of The Lioness' Quartet, 'The Immortals' Quartet, The 'Protector Of The Small' Quartet, and the 'Daughter Of The Lioness' series. I also began but never finished the 'Beka Cooper' series and thought it was pretty good too! Though I'm writing specifically about books set in Tortall here, I did also enjoy the 'Circle Of Magic' series set in Emelan.

This was the very first book I reviewed on this blog and I thought it was great! I felt so conflicted while reading, not sure whether to root for the'hero' or be disgusted by him, whether anything he was saying was true or in his head. The romance sub-plot was such a power couple for me, even though the relationship that they had was a little twisted. Gah! I couldn't make head nor tale about my thoughts on this book and yet, I loved it.
I have read his other series, 'The Saga Of Darren Shan' and really loved it. However, the series I really would like to reread is this one. I just remember the artwork on the cover was so pretty (in a gruesome way), the characters were pretty memorable and the Demons very imaginative. I feel like I lost it about two thirds of the way through and want to reread to try and understand it better!
This was a pretty recent read from this year, but I adored this book and would jump at the chance to reread. It is my favourite Fairy Tale retelling of all time! It is a take on a not very well known Russian folk tale, The Snow Child. This book was both beautiful and heartbreaking, and I did have a little cry at the end. Read it, if you get the chance!
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