For some reason I thought this topic would be quite difficult for me, but in actual fact it wasn't! It has made me really needy for more books in my life (and I already have far too many).

I seriously loved 'Poison Study' so much, it had so much going for it! Awesome characters, a great setting, and a gripping plot. The second book looks like it will be even better. Not to mention, the prospect of reading more Yelena and Valek makes me very happy.

I read 'Red Rising' pretty recently and really enjoyed it! I've not read much in the way of Sci-Fi, but the beginning of this series was amazing and I'm very excited to read more! It ended on a bit of a cliffhanger too so I really want to see what happens next!

I actually have this book in my shelf, but I haven't got round to reading it yet! I really liked the first book, 'Finding Sky' a lot. While there were some tropes that are found in a fair few books, I really liked the way they were handled in this one and I love the idea of following the stories of some of the other Benedict brothers.

I read 'Tithe' some time ago and rather enjoyed it. This series has such an awesome idea behind it and I can't wait to get into it properly. I would be interested to see where it goes! The world-building in 'Tithe' was so, so good!

'A Certain Slant Of Light' had such a different take on the whole Paranormal Romance genre. How can I not give it's sequel a go? I would be really intrigued to see what more can be added to this story, as it felt very much concluded in the first one.

We all know I should have read this one by now. In fact, I should have read the entire series by now! The second film was very good, I can't wait to see how the book compares. I did love the first book, so hopefully the rest of the series is equally as good.

When I first read 'Deep Blue', despite some mixed reviews, I really enjoyed it! I managed to get hold of an ARC for this one on Netgalley so hopefully I'll get round to reading it soon and having a review for you guys. It looks so good!

Oh my goodness, why have I not read this one yet?! I keep meaning to but just don't seem to get round to it. 'Shadow And Bone' was a really good first book in the series, and I strongly believe it can only get better.
I adored 'Stolen Songbird', and am hopping up and down with excitement at the prospect of a second book even existing! Please may 2015 come around a little quicker so I can read it sooner? Pretty please?

'Cinder' was just a phenomenal book to read and I thoroughly look forward to the second in the series. All I can say is that it's on the list for the forseeable future and I simply need to get round to it soon!
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