These are seriously my favourite TBR lists to make because I love looking ahead at all the books I want to read over the next few months. Hopefully I'll get round to them all!

My great hope is to get round to this book at some point this month because I have been wanting to read something by Patrick Ness for a long time! I actually had this book on my Summer TBR list after getting it for my birthday but haven't got round to it until now. I'm so excited for this one though guys, I just hope it's as good as I'm counting on it being!

Yet another book on this month's TBR that I'm ridiculously excited about. I love this series! I've heard some slightly worrying reviews for this particular instalment in the series but then on the other side of the coin, I am eager to keep getting through this series because I'm having withdrawal symptoms from the books and the TV series. I probably won't get much further than this one for fear of spoilers though!

Autumn? Does that mean...Halloween? Of course it does! I actually bought this book such a long time ago and wanted to read it as soon as possible. In fact, I did start it, but for some reason never got round to finishing the whole thing (I didn't really get beyond the first chapter). The reason for that is not because I was not enjoying it, more that I didn't have time to commit to it. It's time to get back to a book that I put on hold for a long time.

I want to read this book so bad! It's looking like Autumn is going to be a month for books that have been on the shelf for a flipping long time! I heard about this book when I first started blogging and thought it looked both creepy and intriguing. Autumn is the perfect time for those kinds of books! Especially as the second instalment is out already and the third well on it's way!

This is another book that was on my Summer TBR that I never read. A film was being made of this book (with Tom Hiddleston in it) that drew my attention and made me really want to read the book. I didn't get round to it in the last three months but I'm determined to before Winter, particularly as Ballard's books are renowned for being such great reads!

So let's get into a couple of series that I need to read the next books of. I'm trying really hard this year to get further into some series that I've not progressed with very well. I adored the first book in this series, 'Poison Study', and it's shocking to me that I haven't got further. I simply need to know what's happening with Yelena and all the other wonderful characters I met in the first book!

I read 'Angelfall' pretty recently actually, and really enjoyed it! It's been a while since I've read a decent series with Angels in it and I would love to finish this one because it has been great reading so far. A friend of mine at work read the first book on my recommendation, then raced through the rest of the series and loved it! It has made me feel a little behind and given me the urge to make more progress!

Time to throw another spooky read into the mix! I actually won this book in a Giveaway and I wanted to read something by Sarah Dalton because her books look so good! Again, it's been a while since I have read a Ghost Story! That's a shame too because I've actually missed Horror as a genre, and I really do think this is going to be a good one!

Do you know what other genre feels like an Autumn genre? Steampunk! I've no idea why that's true (certainly in my case) but I really want to read some and this is the perfect pick. I've recently posted a Book Blitz on it, and then managed to acquire a copy from Netgalley. The excerpts sounded great so I'm quite excited about it!

Like 'Horns', I started this book a long time ago when I was very young. I hadn't read 'Dracula' then and didn't really understand what was going on. Coming back to it many years later seems like a great idea now, I think I'll be a lot more appreciative of what I'm reading. I've read great things about Kostova's writing so I'm very excited! I own her other book 'The Swan Thieves' too so I'm hoping I get into her writing as much as I think I will!
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