Monday, 19 February 2018

Last Week's Shananigans (12th February - 18th February)...Happy Valentine's Week!

Well everyone! How are we all? It's the end of Valentine's week and time for my weekly update. I'm really not pleased with my reading progress to be honest...I've hit a bit of a slump. It's a shame because I am enjoying my current read but not making much progress! That being said, I've had a pretty big week doing other things!

I had the first part of the week off in order to spend some time with my lovely fiancé. We had a relaxing few days off watching The Walking Dead, the film The Circle for the first time, playing games and going out for dinner/ordering takeaway. At the weekend a close friend of mine came up to visit and we went out on Sunday to go and watch Markiplier's You're Welcome tour! We're both big fans of the gaming Youtuber and we found the improvised comedy really funny! Big thanks to Rosie (aforementioned friend) for getting us VIP tickets, I'm still so excited by how awesome it was and how much fun we had!

I Read...


I Received...

- 'Starfish' by Akemi Dawn Bowman: Approved by Netgalley (12/02/18)
- 'A Thousand Perfect Notes' by C.G. Drews: Approved by Netgalley (12/02/18)
- 'The Truth About Alice' by Jennifer Mathieu: Approved by Netgalley (12/02/18)
- Foxes Unearthed' by Lucy Jones: Bought on Amazon (18/02/18)
- 'Bookworm' by Lucy Managan: Approved by Netgalley (18/02/18)
- The Illumination Of Ursula Flight' by Anna-Marie Crowhurst: Approved by Netgalley (18/02/18)

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