I almost ended up skipping this one altogether because I don't feel like I've read enough books from any genre to pass judgement. I did come up with some choices in the end though, so here goes!

When I was about fourteen years old, I adored this series. Seriously, I was completely hooked. But next to no one had even heard of the author, let alone the books. I am just a bit shocked that nowadays, so few people have read his books. The 'Demonata' series was awesome too, though step back if you don't like gore!

Now this counts in my eyes because it involves a normal family experiencing and dealing with a pretty paranormal situation. I love this book with a passion and it makes me sad how few people have read it.

3) 'Finding Sky'; Joss Stirling.
At first glance, this book follows a similar structure to 'Twilight'. In my opinion, it takes the basic plot, rewrites it with a few extra twists and then does it better. Sky as a character rocked!

4) 'Tithe'; Holly Black.
What? Holly Black underrated? Nonsense! Actually I'm really shocked at how many people have read this series. Not many at all! 'Tithe' is the first book and the only one I've read and I loved it! Faeries are such an underrated subject in paranormal books.

Talking of underrated book topics, lets talk about ghost romance. I adored this book when I read it, it was such a sweet, emotional read and I really want to read the next one! If you haven't read this book, I strongly recommend it!

6) 'Thereafter'; Terri Bruce.
Now I specifically mention 'Thereafter' because the first book in the series, 'Hereafter' didn't overly impress me. But the second book was so much better and made me really excited about this series! I would highly recommend it!

7) 'Deep Blue'; Jennifer Donnelly.
This book only just fits into the Paranormal category but it is, in my opinion, highly underrated. I've seen a lot of negative reviews and I think they are mainly to do with the huge amounts of info dumping at the start. Get past that though and it's a fantastic book!

8) 'The Host'; Stephanie Meyer.
Now this might come as a surprise to those who loved 'Twilight' and this book as well, but I have seen a huge amount of people decide this book will be terrible because they didn't like 'Twilight'. I myself loathed that series, but I'm so glad I didn't let that stop me reading 'The Host' because it is one of my favourite books!

9) 'Generation Dead'; Daniel Waters.
This book came as a bit of a shock to me. A zombie romance does not strike me as the most beautiful of story-lines. Nevertheless, to my amazement, I loved it! I read it a while back and really wish I had got round to reading the rest of the series.

This book is another one that I read a fair few years ago, and I got quite a way through the series. Why? Because it was good! I've seen this series get a bit of stick but if you like Witches in your books, give this a go.
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