Goodness me, what a topic! There are so many good books coming out this year and quite a few anticipated reads that are actually already out. I will only talk about books that are being released after this date (June 9th) to make it easier!

As if this book wasn't going to make the list. Marissa Meyer's first three novels in the series were all 5 star reviews from me, and I can't begin to contain my excitement for the final instalment of 'The Lunar Chronicles'. These are hands down the most original Fairy-Tale re-tellings I have come across. I still need to read 'Fairest' too, but I'm saving Meyer's novellas until I reach a peak of desperation.

I haven't actually read Rick Riordan's 'Percy Jackson' series, but Mythology is a topic in fiction that greatly interests me. I would like to get round to reading them at some point, but I see no reason why I couldn't start with this series first, which focuses on the Norse Gods rather than the Greek ones. Do the two series intertwine somehow? I look forward to finding out!

I think it had to be the title that instantly drew me to this one, and then the cover caught my eye. Then I read the synopsis, which used the word 'library' and I was sold! In all seriousness though, this book has received some very good reviews from people of all ages who have received ARCs and I for one think that's a pretty good indication for a well-written, interesting book.

I only found out about this one quite recently but it certainly looks great! The synopsis really looks so good, and even better, it's told through a collection of hacked reports, documents, interviews, etc. I've only read a handful of books this way and though I've had mixed experiences, I think this one will be a lot more plot-based and so more enjoyable.

I only recently acquired my first Patrick Ness book, and I haven't got round to reading it yet. Nevertheless, the idea of reading the works that this author has written excite me so much that I squealed when I saw he was writing another book. The synopsis looks very different to books I've read previously, and I look forward to getting to know this man's work!

I've seen a couple of books by this author floating around the Blogosphere to be released this year, despite never having heard of her before. I do think that this one looks particularly intriguing, as it has a circus/carnival theme to it. Also, mythological creatures make me a happy reader, and this book looks to be rife with them. I can't wait!

I've had this book on the list ever since I first heard of it. I have read the first book in Bardugo's 'The Grisha' series and really enjoyed it, so I have no doubt that her new series will be just as good. I love the idea of a team of people getting together to pull off a con, and it's been quite a while since I've seen or watched anything like that too!

This looks like such a good contemporary read. A lot of the reads I've chosen for this list are Fantasy or include a hint of the paranormal, but I really like the look of this one. It will be interesting to read just how the heroine balances popular friends, OCD and her secret group that she joins.

Originally I was going to include 'Winds Of Winter' on this list, as it had previously had a 2015 expected release date. Things have changed however, and it would seem the date has been pushed back. Therefore, this collection of novellas set in the same world will have to do. It would be interesting to read more about the Targaryens of old especially with the hindsight I have of their fate.

Man, I am so excited for this book! I know there has been a lot of controversy surrounding it, but I've been trying to push past that and I still find myself excited by this release. 'To Kill A Mockingbird' was a fantastic book, and I can only assume that it's sequel will be even more impressive, despite a very late release. At least, I hope so.
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