Monday 13 July 2015

Last Week's Shenanigans (6th July - 12th July)...

Compared to previous weeks, this one actually ended up being a little more interesting than usual. Firstly, I'm absolutely gutted because I so badly wanted to go to YALC this year but didn't plan properly and can't buy tickets for Sunday now (which was the only day I could go). Part of me feels like crying but I'm trying to stay strong and focus on the other things I should be looking forward to! Monday ended up being quite the quiet day for me, especially as everyone else had work or other things to do. I spent quite a lot of it being productive Blog-wise, so that was good!

The rest of the week I worked (of course) but a little bit of 'excitement' reached me on Wednesday and Thursday due to the Tube strikes. All I will say is that the roads and buses were absolutely horrendous and I ended up being one tired out, frustrated lady upon returning home. I'll just leave it there. Luckily on Saturday, I had dinner with my work friends to cheer me up! We went to a lovely Diner (American themed) named Tinsel Town! The food was really good, and the shakes were incredible! I will certainly return there in the future if I can! Yum!

I Read:


Top Ten Tuesday: Hyped Books That I Have Never Read

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