I'm afraid the list for this category extends way beyond ten books, but I feel that as a reader I will never be able to read every book that I want to or hear about. There are just too many! Still some of these are SHAMEFUL!

So here's the thing. I read 'Shadow & Bone', absolutely adored it and then...never revisited the series? To this day I don't know how and why I aven't read this book yet. I constantly make my monthly reads this and then realise I missed this again! Maybe next month (here's hoping) I will actually remember because this and the last book, 'Ruin & Rising' have received nothing but high reviews from fellow Bloggers!

Pretty much every Blogger that I follow seems to have read this series, and I just can't seem to find the time to sit down and do so myself. Some people have loved it, and a few have had some issues, but the hye around this book has been nothing short of phenomenal. I do actually have it, believe it or not! I just haven't got round to it...yet.

Despite the gorgeous cover and the insane amount of hype that seems to come with this series, I don't think I will be reading it. Because so many people that I know have read it, and so many have been disappointed! From what I here, the author

This actually goes for every single one of Maggie's books, which completely depresses me. I picked this one however because it is sitting on my bookshelf right now! Seriously, why haven't I picked this up? It is within arms reach! I remember a very good friend of mine recommending this to me way back in 2006. I just can't believe that this hasn't made my reading list just yet.

I am actually a terrible person aren't I? I swear that it's a sin not to have read the books I have listed so far! Anyway sadly, as with the others, this is 'on the list' but hasn't yet made it in front of my eyes. See what I mean by there are too many books to read? I'm trying my best to work through series like these, series that I should have read a long time, but there are a huge number to get through! Bare with me, okay?

I want to read this book so badly! Why haven't I yet? I actually don't have an answer to that question other than the obvious 'I don't actually own a copy'. It just looks so spooky, and a lot of people have really adored this book and it's sequels. It's on the list as I said before. I hope I get to it soon!

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned so many times that this book is on my list, and I actually really do own a copy now (on my Kindle)! So why have I still not read it? I guess I just keep acquiring so many good books, and my mind has a strange way of prioritising things. I actually saw this book in the shop before I heard about the hype, but I simply must read it sooner or later!

Let's move towards something a little different shall we? I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand: I don't like romance books. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but mostly I find them a little boring, quite frustrating, and too predictable. However, this series has garnered a lot of attention. It has been recommended to me countless times too, and I'm beginning to feel it might be time to once again step out of the comfort zone and give the genre another try.

This series sounds absolutely amazing, and with such a cool concept too. Last year, I remember absolutely everyone was reading both it and it's sequel, and I thought 'Wow, I'll get on that one soon!'. One year on? I still haven't got round to it. It will probably be a while until I do too, looking down this list and seeing how many things I still have to read! I'm sure I will eventually though...right?

I'm fairly certain that this is the one I am most disappointed about not having read yet. I want it so bad, namely because it's a fairy tale re-telling! We all know how much I adore those, and because so many other people loved it I'm sure this is bound to be a really good read! I am determined to read this ASAP, purely because I feel like I've left it far too long as it is. I also want to read 'Crimson Bound' for the same reason!
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