- 'Golden Son'; Pierce Brown. Obviously this is the book that I started reading in February and will be finishing in March. I'm not very far through, I'll be honest. Hopefully I'll remember all the characters, it has been such a long time since I read 'Red Rising' and I'll probably have to readjust before I can get back into the story. I'm excited to be progressing with this series though!

- 'Seven Ways We Lie'; Riley Redgate. This is a YA Contemporary with a great synopsis! Abstract concepts such as the Seven Deadly Sins are really interesting to me so I am so excited about this book. It's released this month too, so I'm lucky that Netgalley let me have a copy in advance. High School Drama is not normally my thing but from what I can tell, there is a lot of diversity in this one and each of the seven POVs has a great plot-line to follow. I can't wait!
- 'Read Me Like A Book'; Liz Kessler. I was approved by Netgalley to read this book last month after that gorgeous cover caught my eye. It looks like a pretty interesting book about exploring sexuality and the synopsis is pretty intriguing. I said at the beginning of the year that I don't read enough YA Contemporary so this and my previous choice is part of my effort to change that!
- 'Siege & Storm'; Leigh Bardugo. That's right. It's happening. I'm finally reading Book Two of this series. I don't know how to explain why I haven't got round to it already because I'm pretty sure it's been almost two years since I read and LOVED the first book. A thousand apologies and I really do aim to finish the entire series by the end of the year.
- 'The Tropic Of Serpents'; Marie Brennan. This series I started more recently but I really do not want to fall into the trap of constantly putting books in a series off. So this is me attempting to keep up. I really want to try and get through all the series I plan to continue before starting new ones. We'll see if that happens. Anyway, Isabella Trent had me roaring with laughter in Book One and I can't wait to see her spunky attitude in this next installment.
- 'The Invasion Of The Tearling'; Erika Johansen. I actually seriously considered quitting this series when I read it to begin with. I did give it a pretty good review, but upon reflection, actually found it pretty confusing and a little forgettable. However, seeing as I seemed to find so many good things amongst the bad before, I've decided to give Book Two a try and see how I get on. Plus, this is an Edelweiss read so I'm finally getting round to those!
- 'The Selection'; Kiera Cass. I know I just told you guys that I'm trying not to start new series but I figure this counts more as me catching up than trying something new. I remember when this series was a huge great hit, and everyone except me had read it. I downloaded it two years ago. Seriously, I want to be on a par with the rest of the reading world and this series is a big part of that.
Bonus Book...?
- 'Thorn'; Intisar Khanani. I'm pretty sure I tried having bonus books once upon a time and it didn't work out so well, but what the heck! I'm trying to push myself without becoming stressed so I'm setting myself a new goal of EIGHT books in one month and I'll see if I can beat it. This is actually only a short book too (about 250 pages) so it shouldn't take me long. It's a retelling of the Fairy Tale 'The Goose Girl' and it has been an age since I've been able to read a retelling! I hope I have time to read this story by Intisar Khanani, she is an awesome writer!
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