Monday 25 July 2016

Last Week's Shenanigans (18th July - 24th July)...

Wow, what a busy week! I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to tell you all about what I've been up to, there's a lot to take in! To start with, we were still staying with Mat's parents on Monday, though returned to London in the early afternoon. On the way, we met up with a friend who was coming to stay with us for a while. Upon arriving back to London, I spent a little time catching up on some rest (the huge amount of socialising and travelling from place to place over the weekend really exhausted me) and then doing a little blogging and reading before heading out again with Mat and his family, who at this point had arrived in London ready for Mat's graduation the next day! We had a lovely walk by the River Thames, which is actually surprisingly close to where I currently live, and even peered into Ian McKellen's famous pub 'The Grapes'.

Tuesday was definitely the busiest (and hottest) day of the week. It was the day of Mat's (and Meg's, my flat mate) graduation and I am immensely proud of both of them. We started our day at Mat's university, as the ceremony was (luckily) in the morning! Thank goodness that the main hall where it was held was so well air-conditioned! We spent a lot of time before and after the ceremony taking wonderful photos, and the Uni laid on some free food and refreshments afterwards which was wonderful. Of course, fate chose that day to give me one of the worst hay-fever attacks I can recall in a while, and the blistering heat did end up giving me sunstroke, but I had such an enjoyable day that I didn't care much. We went to a local pub nearby for a while to kill some time and catch some Pokemon (Pokemon Go! is very quickly becoming an addiction.) before heading to Tower Hill for a bite to eat and drink at Pizza Express!

On Wednesday it was the turn of my other lovely flat-mate, Tash, to graduate. Unfortunately I had to work that day so could only join them for a meal out later in the evening after my shift. We went to Las Iguanas at Westfield, Stratford this time and it was lovely! The rest of my working week was sadly very average in comparison but I think overall I've had a very social week and it was surprisingly productive too! I booked tickets for and planned YALC, bought myself a diary for work (my new role of course), played plenty of Pokemon Go! and caught up with some of the TV shows I've been missing out on. So much fun!

I Read...

I Received...



Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set Outside Of The USA

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