SOURCE: Free With Author's Newsletter
TYPE: E-Read
TITLE: Dragon Slayer Number 9
AUTHOR: Intisar Khanani
PAGES: 5? Maybe 10?
GENRE: Young Adult, Fantasy, Short Story
RATING: 3/5 Stars

This is an exclusive short story currently available to the author's newsletter subscribers.
Note From Author: I wrote Dragon Slayer Number 9 after reading a Very Short excerpt from David Eggers’ 'Your Fathers, Where Are They? And The Prophets, Do They Live Forever?' (Which is kind of an amazing book, if you haven't read it.) The thing to know about Eggers’ book in relation to Dragon Slayer Number 9 is it’s all dialogue. No attributions, nothing. Further, it takes place between a person in power, and others in his power. That’s about all I gathered from my first glance, but it fired up my imagination. I mean, wouldn't it be fun to write a piece like that, except with dragons, and maybe a bit lighter in mood? Thus was born Dragon Slayer Number 9. I did eventually go back to read Eggers’ book, but not until after I’d had my fun with this little story. I hope you enjoy it!
Overall Conclusion:
As I said, no real need to break this one down because it was such a short read. It was an interesting, experimental piece involving all dialogue and no descriptors or even guidance as to who is saying what. In a way it was a refreshing, light-hearted, humorous read and I certainly commend it for that. Intisar Khanani's charming style always seems to shine through, no matter what she writes. The short length did astound me a little, despite the fact that I went in knowing it would not be long, because it literally took me mere minutes to read. I would love to see everything expanded upon, or even just a re-written version that is more than dialogue, to compare the two.
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