It's that time of the year where we start thinking ahead to next year's reads and I'm so excited! Especially as I have hold of a couple of them now!

Publication Date: 10th January 2017
Everyone knows I love Fairy Tales, whether their classics such as Beauty & The Beast and Cinderella or lesser known ones. In fact, one of my favourite retellings is Eowyn Ivey's 'The Snow Child' which is based on a Russian Fairy Tale of the same name. I was overjoyed therefore when I was approved for this little beauty, another retelling of a Russian Fairy Tale and it looks stunning. It has received a lot of praise and the publisher sent me a lovely email that assured me even more that this would be right up my street!

Publication Date: 10th January 2017
At first, when I saw the cover for this, I assumed it was part of Howard's 'Splintered' series and scrolled past it, as I haven't got round to that series yet. Having researched further however, I realised it was actually a totally new project and one I'm looking forward to a lot. While I've never read the original book, 'The Phantom Of The Opera' musical has been a huge part of my life and love for theatre for well over a decade now. To see a YA retelling of the story? Excitement doesn't even begin to cover it.

Publication Date: 10th January 2017
While the first book didn't exactly blow me away, I have to say there was a lot of potential in 'Truthwitch' and I'm intrigued to see where Dennard takes the story, so look forward to reading book two! So many people adored the first in the series and I think much of my disappointment was down to the fact that it had been built so highly in my mind and my expectations were through the roof! There were definitely a few original ideas and intriguing characters to be found, and I'm hoping that Dennard establishes everything with a little more detail and thought in this next installment.

Publication Date: 12th January 2017
Just thinking about this book is giving me the shivers. I'm so lucky that Pan Macmillan deigned to give me an ARC (that I plan to read this month) and am excited at the prospect of a second book by this wonderful author. I loved 'Beautiful Broken Things' so much, particularly as it's main focus was friendship which is pretty rare to find in YA Contemporary. The cover for this book is absolutely stunning too which is always a bonus for me.

Publication Date: 17th January 2017
I actually almost completely forgot about adding this book to this list, which should be nigh on impossible considering how much attention it has received as it's release date approaches. People who have read my rather unimpressed review of 'Allegiant', the third book in the 'Divergent' series, might be a little confused that I'm looking forward to this book so much, but it's important to bear in mind my initial love for the series, and the fact that Roth's writing has never been the real issue. I'm intrigued to see her work with new characters, synopsis and setting.

Publication Date: 31st January 2017
This is the only debut I have on this list because it's probably one of my most anticipated reads of next year. Period. Seriously, I've seen this book everywhere, and once I'd looked into the synopsis I couldn't take my mind off of it! It involves performances, magic, dreams and a strong sister bond which is also something I enjoy reading about. Honestly, I know I am not the only one desperate to get their hands on this book and I'm looking forward to the moment I do.

Publication Date: 9th February 2017
Words cannot even touch upon how overjoyed I was to receive an actual, physical proof for this book. Not just because it's one of the first times I've been approached about such a popular author, but also because I LOVE MARISSA MEYER. Everything she's written that I've read (AKA her entire 'The Lunar Chronicles' series) has received an instant 5* rating, and obviously every lover f Fairy Tales such as I would instantly be in favour of a Queen Of Hearts origin story. Also, just look at that cover!

Publication Date: 28th March 2017
This is coming out so soon and I am really hyped about it because I only recently read and adored 'The Star Touched Queen'. I loved the Indian mythology, the gorgeous setting, likeable characters and visual imagery to die for. Not to mention the romance and fairy-tale esque feel to it all. It deserved it's 5* rating from me and the sequel is without a doubt one that I've been looking forward to from the moment I finished book one. I can only hope it's as good as the first, as Chokshi really impressed me.

Publication Date: 28th March 2017
Much like Veronica Roth's new release, this book has long been on the list of many a book blogger. The 'Daughter Of Smoke & Bone' series was huge when I first started blogging and while it took me a little while to get round to it, I liked it a lot. I didn't enjoy the third and final installment nearly as much as I had liked the other two, but I'm looking forward to a change of scenery and situation because Taylor's writing is nothing short of captivating and her imagination is wonderful.

Publication Date: 2nd May 2017
Honestly, I'm very ashamed of myself for daring to include this on the list thanks to my lack of reading 'The Wrath & The Dawn' series, which has been on my TBR for like-ever. But it's so pretty, I just couldn't help myself. While Ahdieh's previous popular series takes from 'One Thousand & One Nights' and middle-eastern folklore, this series draws from probably one of my favourite countries of all time: Japan. I don't get to read much in the way of Asian literature or stories, so it will be cool to do that with this series!
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