Well today I'm off ill, but feeling a bit better, I thought I'd do this list now and at least be a little productive today.

Fantasy is a favourite genre of mine and so for this list, I thought I'd include a lot more of that because I have so many good ones to read! Scott Lynch's well-loved series is just one example. I have not read a single one of these books. This is partly because I haven't had time and mostly because I'm a terrible person. I definitely need to get onto these!
A friend of mine bought the first book, 'The Painted Man' for my birthday and urged me to read this series. Since then I haven't, and every time I have seen them, they have told me off for not doing so. I really ought to get round to it if I can because I feel like I might be missing out on something spectacular!
I bought myself 'Labyrinth' a while back too and thought it looked great! I'm a pretty big fan of Historical Fiction and Kate Mosse is a name I see everywhere in this genre. It's a fairly big book though, and so part of an even bigger series. I can't wait to find time to get into it.

Just look at the artwork for this series! It's not only gorgeous but it looks ultra creepy too! I have a slightly strange part of myself that is a huge fan of scary books and I think this one has the potential to be. I really want to start and find out!
This series just look so awesome! I have wanted to read a Maggie Stiefvater book for a while and I would love to get into this series. A lot of fellow Bloggers seem to agree and it seems to be a very well-loved series of hers. Hopefully I can start it soon and really get into it!

Well as I included the 'Anna' series because it looked like a chilling read, I couldn't not include this series! The covers are particularly terrifying and I can't wait to see exactly what this series is actually about. The title doesn't give a huge amount away but it has been recommended by many people!

I know that it is pretty terrible that I haven't read this series. So many people, friends and bloggers alike have told me that it is very good and I adore the cover artwork. The sooner I can get round to this series, the better.

A series based on the age old tale of Robin Hood? Yes please! I have always loved those stories and cannot believe I haven't read this series yet. The covers look great too! It just screams 'strong, female lead' (something that I adore)! There's a new book, 'Lionheart' coming out soon too. I can't wait!
I want very much to get round to this series because it looks like such a good one. Patrick Ness is one of those authors that I hear such good things about, and I've never got round to actually reading. I plan to rectify this ASAP, as soon as I get time!
The same friend who bought me 'The Painted Man' also gave me another book for another birthday. The first book of this series. I'm not ignoring her bookish advice on purpose, honestly! I just have so many books to get through, that I'm finding it difficult to actually get through them.
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