Friday 1 January 2016

Story Sprites Round 3 Sign-Up Post!

I am completely obsessed with this challenge over at Great Imaginations, it's so much fun. As the Round 3 board has now been posted, it's time to sign up and get involved! But first, here are the badges that I won in Round Two. I'm very happy with them!

I am completely gutted that I was just one book off of grabbing  myself a Hermione Granger badge, as she is my favourite character of all time! If only I'd read 'The Lovely Bones' just a teeny bit quicker! I'm super pleased with these two though, and am pretty pleased to announce that I guessed the paths correctly! So here is the new board:

I'm fairly certain I've guessed one of the paths but this board is much harder! Still, I'm looking forward to the next three months because there are some amazing categories! The board will run until the end of March, so if this challenge looks cool to you, head on over to the sign-up post. I promise you won't regret it!

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