If you have never been I thoroughly recommend it. As well as being the home of high-end brand pop-up stores, there are long-standing toy stores (one of which had a pretty Alice In Wonderland display), ice cream shops, bakeries, etc. All of these are small and charming, with an almost old-fashioned feel about them. The cafés in the lower court always have music being played by talented artists and it creates a very special sort of atmosphere. There are plenty of markets too, which are always interesting to admire!

We then went and had a drink at a local pub, before heading off to Soho to have a look around and something to eat. We did also stop off at Forbidden Planet, which has a really fun basement floor dedicated to books, comics, graphic novels and virtually anything else you could think of. We didn't fully explore Soho, choosing only to go to 'Mildred's', a vegetarian café (Mat is a vegetarian in case I have never mentioned this before) and Carnaby Street which also contained a variety of interesting shops. I particularly loved 'Liberty' (a gift store) and 'Irregular Choice' a very unique shoe shop with some gorgeous and slightly bizarre designs. A quick stop at Selfridge's on Oxford Street bought the wonderful, fun day out to a close.
I had work for a few days before my holiday on Friday & Saturday. On Friday, I went to Westfield Shopping Centre in Stratford to do a little bit of shopping and meet Mat for lunch. Apart from that, my day was fairly uneventful. Saturday Mat and I had to get up very early to travel back to our home town, so that we could go to a lovely garden party with my family, as it was my Uncle's sixtieth birthday. It was a lot of fun and very strange seeing my cousin's children looking a lot more grown up than I remember them! On Sunday, I finally got my day of rest and made a good start on Season 4 of 'Once Upon A Time'.
I Read:
Blitzes/Tours/Cover Reveals/Giveaways:
Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Have Read The Most Books From
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