Monday 24 August 2015

Last Week's Shenanigans (17th August - 23rd August)...

I'm going to be making this post a quick one, because as I am writing I am also suffering with Tonsillitis and feeling pretty icky. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a sore throat so hopefully this clears up soon! This week has been quite busy for me! Monday, Mat and I ended up  staying in all day because we had to wait for a whole host of parcels, food shopping and an inspection from our letting agent. We played video games together and watched TV, which made the time pass quickly. The week at work has been quiet on the customer front, but I have actually had an interview to apply for a higher position in my store. Fingers crossed!

On Sunday, Mat and I travelled back to Ashford once more to go and see my family, for yet another garden party (this time on my Mum's side of the family). It was a lot of fun tough and I got to see and play with my cousin's little girl again, who I haven't seen since she was a tiny baby! After coming home, Mat and I mostly chilled with the family and spent time playing some games and catching up which was nice.

I Read:


Top Ten Tuesday: Auto-Buy Authors

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