The most impressive thing about Brick Lane by far is the amount of art to be found there! The walls are covered with various designs, patterns and drawings and everything is really colourful as a result. These were some of my favourites but I got a whole ton of pictures. These pieces of art are constantly changing too, so you will always see something different with every trip. We went into a really cool store called Rough Trade which is definitely the only ever Vinyl shop I have seen that also sells ice cream on the side. As for Brick Lane Bookshop, it was absolutely gorgeous. I would have liked to have stayed longer to properly look at the kinds of books they sold, but we were in a bit of a rush. I did manage to buy something though: 'Serbian Fairy Tales' compiled and edited by Jelena Curcic, Vuk Stefanovic Karadzik and Sam Quinn. This book is gorgeous, and illustrated too! I'd certainly never seen it in any other book shops I had been in.

Later on in the week, Mat and I went to see the new 'Fantastic Four' film together. Though the film itself was not overly impressive (it had a mediocre start, followed by a fantastic middle then a VERY disappointing end) we still had a nice evening. It's nice not to just talk about work in a post like this, and I have actually drawn up plans for us to do something every Monday on our day off together. Look out for more London Life posts from me!
I Read:
Top Ten Tuesday: Fairy Tales & Retellings I've Read/Want To Read
I Posted:
Are Book Lovers...Weird?
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