Crossover Reads:
- 'Stealing Phoenix'; Joss Stirling. I've actually got a little way through this one and am liking it so far. I'm having to remember everything I learnt about some of the characters in the last book because it has been such a long time since I read 'Finding Sky'. Nevertheless, I'm excited because this one is set in the part of London that I live!

- 'Red Glove'; Holly Black. It has been a little while since I read 'White Cat', but the book left me on such a massive cliffhanger that I really wanted to get round to the second book in the series! I have to say that the cover certainly looks intriguing enough, and I love the idea of people with power's who have to deal with consequences as a result of them. I'd be interested to see where Black takes this story! Also I never got round to it last month. I have high hopes for this month!
- 'The Lovely Bones'; Alice Sebold. I actually saw the film before I read the book and it haunted me in a very unique way. I've been itching to read the book since but of course haven't got round to it yet. It's on my Kindle now though, so I'm looking forward to seeing if the book is as good as the film was. Most people say it's better!
- 'The Picture Of Dorian Grey'; Oscar Wilde. Mat recently read this for his English Lit course and it reminded me how much I desperately wanted to read it myself. He's told me it's pretty good too so I'm looking forward to it! I've had a few encounters with the character through various films and he looks pretty intriguing. I'd be interested to see how the story itself actually pans out.
- 'A Feast For Crows'; George R.R. Martin. None of these books seem very Christmassy so far I know but I guess I'm not in the mood for light-hearted. The 'A Song Of Ice & Fire' series is probably the least light-hearted thing I know in fact. I'm looking forward to reading the fourth book in the series and hopefully not running into too many Season 6 spoilers!
- 'Dot'; Araminta Hall. This book at least has snow on the cover! It's something, right? It's been on my Edelweiss reading list for well over a year now and I've never found the right mood to read it. This can continue no longer, especially as it looks so good too! I'm excited for this one!
- 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest'; Ken Kesey. I've seen the film and the play and loved it! I've never read the book though and I feel like that needs to change. For some reason a lot of my books this month seem to be pretty dark, dreary and depressing. Maybe it's to balance out the huge amount of festive fun I'm planning to have? Who's the mood I'm in anyway!
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