1) 'The Tale Of Raw Head & Bloody Bones'; Jack Wolf.

This book was the first book I read this year, and the first that I reviewed for this blog! I am so glad that it was because it set my reading off to an amazing start, I loved it! For those that haven't heard of this book, I suggest you give it a go. It's Historical Fiction but includes elements of Horror, Gothic Literature and Fantasy. I adore this book and it is definitely one of my favourites that I have read.
2) 'Pure'; Andrew Miller.
Yet another Historical Fiction novel that turned out much better than expected. I really enjoyed reading this one, it captured my attention from start to finish. The plot was intriguing, the characters well-written and it felt different from other Historical Fiction that I have read in the past. I would love to read some more of Miller's work, this book is a wonderful read.
3) 'The Snow Child'; Eowyn Ivey.
This book. I just can't even begin to describe how much I loved it. Fairy-tales do nothing but fill me with happiness and this re-telling is a beautiful adaption of a folk tale that is not as well known as some others. I loved the story-line, the writing, the characters, and just the magical feeling I got while reading this book. Be warned, it's a bit of a tear-jerker and yet after reading I still felt immensely satisfied. If you're even remotely fond of Fairy-Tales, give this one a try.
4) 'The Invention Of Wings'; Sue Monk Kidd.
This book was never not going to be on this list. From the very first page I was hooked. I won it in a giveaway and read it not long after, finding myself by the end to be deeply impressed with it. The writing is clever, witty at times and there are some beautiful quotes in this one that purvey Kidd's message perfectly. It is another Historical Fiction novel and interestingly based on a true story that is a little less well-known.
5) 'The Fault In Our Stars'; John Green.
My sister nagged me so much to read this and I'll be honest, I was scared to at first. It's not an intimidating book in terms of size, but I was worried that the sad topic of Terminal Illness would become too much for me to bear. Green is a wonderful writer though, and he fills the pages with poignant and memorable quotes, characters that will stick with me for life, and a sensitive but realistic approach to the subject of the book. Yes I cried, but this read was well worth the tears.
6) 'Days Of Blood & Starlight'; Laini Taylor.
This series by Laini Taylor, it is fair to say, has received a lot of hype and good reviews. I had heard so much about it that I found I could not put of reading it any longer. I did really love the first installment, 'Daughter Of Smoke & Bone' (which I also read this year). It was a very original concept and I was sucked into Taylor's fantastical world. But for some reason, 'Days Of Blood & Starlight' remains my favourite of the two I have read so far. I just felt that in terms of flow and pacing, it had the upper hand. I can't wait to read the third and final installment!
7) 'Cuckoo Song'; Frances Hardinge.
I read this book quite recently and loved it because it was different. The concepts found within were actually really creepy and I loved the tone of this novel. I found it to be one of the most original reads I've had the pleasure of reading this year and needless to say, it got a very high rating from me! I'm always on board when Horror and Fantasy combine in some way, and this book achieved that sense of magic that I was after, but also creeped me out.
8) 'A Certain Slant Of Light'; Laura Whitcomb.
Until this book, I had never read a Ghost Romance novel. I had seen it when I was younger, and wanted to read it then but never got round to it until a few months ago. I'm so glad I picked up this book and read it! It holds within it's pages a truly romantic story, but a poignant one at that full of complexities, twists and turns. I loved that this book just oozed emotion and rawness. A beautiful read.
9) 'Shadow & Bone'; Leigh Bardugo.
Yet another book that I've heard non-stop adoration for throughout the blogosphere. This story was captivating throughout and really reminded me why I loved High Fantasy as a genre. I haven't read anything like it in a while and I couldn't wait to get started and find out what the fuss was about. Luckily, it lived up to and exceeded my expectations. If you haven't got round to picking this one up, I suggest you do!
10) 'Stolen Songbird'; Danielle L. Jensen.
Now is this technically cheating? I am still currently reading this book (though I've basically finished it). I suppose you could say that it shouldn't have a place on this list because it isn't one I've completely finished, but in my opinion, it is worth breaking the rules for. Stolen Songbird is just amazing, I really don't want it to end if I'm being honest! Definitely one of my top reads so far this year!
What a great topic choice! I had a lot of fun reflecting on my own reads over the past few months and can't wait to read everyone else's responses!
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