1) 'Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea'; April Genevieve Tucholke. My goodness. Just look at that cover. I saw this book a couple of weeks ago, on a fair few lists for a 'Top Ten Tuesday' topic. Instantly intrigued, I looked into further and I have to say, I really like the sound of this book. I would love to get a chance to read it and do a review because as far as I can see, this one has received pretty mixed reviews. It looks a bit creepier than some Paranormal Romance books I've read in the past, and I like it when books have a dash of horror in them.
2) 'Assassin's Creed: Unity' Game. Okay, so who here likes games? And who watched E3? Well I actually didn't but I made sure I was keeping up with the announcements and this game really caught my attention. I haven't played an awful lot of Assassin's Creed myself, but I have watched it played and loved it to bits! I've just never had time myself! What really stood out for me with this one was the fact that it's Multi-Player! I have hoped for a decent Multi-Player game for this series for a long time and this looks great! There's no cover for the game yet and it's not due out until Christmas time but I'm still very much looking forward to it!
3) 'The Mirk & The Midnight Hour'; Jane Nickerson. So this cover and book caught my attention quite a while back, when I was going on a Fairy Tale re-telling hunt. This is unusual because it's based on a fairly unknown story, 'Tam Lin'. I am really excited by the idea of this book, it looks like a beautiful and well-penned story. I'm so intrigued to see whether it matches my expectations, which for this book, are high. Jane Nickerson has also written another fairy tale themed re-telling, 'Strands Of Bronze & Gold', which is based on the story of Bluebeard. I'd love to give that one a try too!

4) 'The Shadow Of The Window'; Carlos Ruiz Zafón. When I first joined Goodreads and started blogging, I read 'The Tale Of Raw Hide & Bloody Bones' by Jack Wolf. At the time, I really wanted to see if there was a similar book because I enjoyed it so much, and this is one of the recommendations I was given! I stumbled upon it again recently and found that I still really want to give this one a try. It has an intriguing synopsis and has received good reviews.
5) 'Porco Rosso' DVD. It's no great secret that I'm a bit of a fan of animated films. One such set of films that I love are made by Studio Ghibli, a Japanese Animation studio. If you've never watched any films of theirs, I thoroughly recommend it. I'm trying to get hold of all of their films, and one that has escaped my grasp so far is 'Porco Rosso'. The story-line looks great, and to be honest, I've never been disappointed by a film produced by Studio Ghibli.
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