Sunday 1 June 2014

Weekly Wishlist #15

This week's Wishlist will be a bit varied again and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you!

1) 'From The Beast To The Blonde: On Fairy Tales and their Tellers'; Marina Warner. It isn't uncommon knowledge that I'm a huge fan of Fairy Tales, they have always fascinated me. Not just the tales themselves, but the actual theory behind them! I bought a book a while back called 'The Uses Of Enchantment: The Meaning And Importance Of Fairy Tales' by Bruno Bettleheim. I really enjoyed reading it and found it so interesting. I've heard of Warner's work, she's written many books on the subject of Fairy Tales and Folklore and I would really love to read this book. I would love to get hold of 'No Go The Bogeyman' by her too!

2) Daughter Of Smoke & Bone 'Wishbone' Necklace. So after seeing something similar at the Expo and not being able to find it on the site, I was quite keen to find a Wishbone Necklace inspired by 'Daughter Of Smoke & Bone'. This particular shop, wordsandwonders, seems to enjoy providing book-related jewellry and I found this lovely necklace that was exactly what I was looking for. They also do it in a bronze colour but I quite like the silver. Some of the pieces in this shop are lovely, I think I'll have to dedicate a few hours to scouting out more shops like this on Etsy!

3) 'Throne Of Glass'; Sarah J Maas. That's right, I haven't read this series yet! But I really want to, I've heard so much about it! It's one of those books that every time I hear about it, I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. Many people have recommended it to me and I think it's time I thought about giving it a read, when I can. I'm a bit of a fan of badass female characters, and I've heard that this Main Character definitely fits that description! Hopefully I'll get my hands on it soon and enjoy it.

4) 'Scarlet'; A.C. Gaughen. Speaking of strong female characters, this book looks so promising. I've seen it dotted here and there around the Blogoverse, and every review I have read has been good. It's set around the time of Robin Hood too and I love that story! Seriously, this book and it's sequel, 'Lady Thief', just look fantastic and I really want to get into them. What gorgeous cover art too, I think I'm going to have a fit if I can't read this one soon.

5) The 'Once Upon A Time' Box-Set. I really love this TV series, though got too busy to get past the first few episodes of Season 2. I really want to get hold of both seasons so I can watch it all through before watching Season 3! For anyone who hasn't heard of this series, I highly recommend it if you're a fan of Fairy Tales. All your favourite characters can be found: Rumpelstiltskin, Red Riding Hood, Snow White, The Evil Queen, Pinocchio, Captain Hook, they're all here. In one form or another. It has a really intriguing story-line and some great twists on well-known tales! Well worth a watch!

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