SOURCE: Bought
TYPE: Paperback
TITLE: Cinder
AUTHOR: Marissa Meyer
SERIES: The Lunar Chronicles (#1)
PAGES: 390
GENRE: Young Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Retelling
RATING: 5/5 Stars

Cinder is caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal. Now she must uncover secrets about her mysterious past in order to protect Earth's future.
What I Liked:
- There is so much to write in this section I'm honestly struggling to find somewhere to start. I loved Cinder herself, she was an awesome heroine. She managed to maintain that perfect balance that I like between being emotionally vulnerable, having a slightly mysterious and sad back-story and still being strong and able to handle herself in a situation. She had a good sense of humour too. The characters she surrounds herself with are wonderful too. Kai is great and I really liked them as a couple, Iko is plain adorable, Levana is sizing up to be an intriguing villain and I liked Dr. Erland a lot too.
- I liked the world that Meyer built. A lot of thought has obviously gone into it and it's pretty detailed in the way it works actually. It was well-written too so it was easy to envisage everything I was reading which really immersed me into the story. As well, I can tell that there's so much more to it that I've yet to read in the next books and I can't wait to get to know even more of how this Future Earth pans out, as well as finding out more about the Lunars!
- I loved the way Meyer just took the story of Cinderella and completely made it her own! She wrote amazingly, the plot-line she devised paid a great homage to the original fairy tale while managing to feel completely original and like I was reading something new. Seriously, I can't state enough how good a retelling this is!
What I Disliked:
- To be honest, there was only one thing I disliked about this read. That ridiculously cruel cliff-hanger at the end. I was totally hooked and so badly want to read the next one right now and find out what happens, but I can't and it's torture! Seriously, why would Meyer do this to me?!
Overall Conclusion:
This book just had everything I look for in a good story, and I'm completely hooked on the series now. Mind-blowing characters, world and writing from an extremely talented author who has strongly planted herself as one of my favourites just from reading this book. I can't wait to read 'Scarlet', want to get hold of 'Cress' as soon as possible and think that I might have a tantrum about the fact that I have to wait so long for 'Winter'.
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